hogwarts bully part 25

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Oh shit wait wha

I closed my eyes and i dont even know if i kissed back but my lips were on his.

His cold hands pulled my waist closer to him and i dugged my nails deeper in his robe.

Oh my goodness guys im not single anymore.
Goodbye loneliness, hello Malfoy


I pushed his chest away from me and gasped for air. I needed a moment to figure this shit out.

Then i heard footsteps walking away.

I looked back but it seems that he or she already disappeared from the hallways.

Who the fuck-

But who cares. I turned to Malfoy and i was still confused. Very confused.

"Why did- we- what?!" I tried asking out of breath

I couldn't describe his face. I couldnt describe his expressions. I don't even know of he grinned or nah. He was staring on the floor and he also seemed confused and shocked.

I kneed down to collect my papers on the floor and as soon as I was done, i walked away

What the heck

My next class is Transfiguration. I still had 2 minutes. Oh shit oh shit. Im late cause of this asshole

I rushed  down the hall and turned to class 1B

As i opened the door, all eyes were on me

"You're late, Ms.Lincon" professor Mcgonagall said in a calm voice

Damn that's terrifying

"I'm sorry professor. It won't happen again" i promised. Hopefully.

She nodded and i took my seat next to Hermione. She turned her head to me and gave me a confuse stare. I just nodded at her to make her know that I'll talk about this on the dinner table later

I couldn't concentrate on this class either. My thoughts are asking hundreds of question

Why did he kissed me? Ew but why?

Was it a plan or somethin???

Is he an agent and he must make me fall inlove with him?!

But he looked confused himself!

And lastly

Who was the person, who disappeared on the hallway?

Oh god there are still much more but my thoughts disappeared after Professor Mcgonagall said "class dismissed"

I was so happy that class was over.

After 2 other lessons, i was done, like my body said 0%

But it's luckily dinner time

Finally. Felt like years

"What was wrong with you?!" Hermione asked

"I was... in the bathroom" i lied

"Were you shitting?!" She whispered

"What- no! I was not doing THAT." I replied

"Jess where were you?!" A boy asked behind me

"I was uh not in class, Harry" i replied

"JESS WHAT WAS THAT" another voice said

"Oh my goodness, who else wants to know?!"
I asked

"Jess! We were worried about you!" Ginny said

"Guys! No need to worry! I was in the bathroom! Then i grabbef my schedules from my locker and it scattered all over the floor!"
I explained. I mean i lied..

"Next time im comming" hermione said
"You can't be late AGAIN. You'll get yourself in trouble. AGAIN!"

After we made it to the dining hall, we sat down on our table and start to put foods on our plate

Oh damn im hungry

I put some food on my plate and ate them quickly how Ron always do

We all talked and joked alot today and it was really fun. But these thoughts are still flying in my head. I didn't want to talk about that cause i will ruin our mood right now. So i let it be.

After the dinner ended i headed back to my room. Hermione needs to learn, Ginny and Harry wants to gaze on the stars, and Ron just wanted to lay down on his bed afyer stuffing his body with food

I went down the hallways to my room and i decided to go the short way like always. Who would wanna go through the long way

As i turned to go to the short hallway, i frozed

And so did Malfoy

We just stared at eachother but i then shook my head and went to the shitty long way.

I would die rather than meeting Malfoy again

I turned to the right to go to my room and saw Draco leaning on the wall next to my dorm

Ugh i swear to God this bitch

Fine. Fine. If he wanna talk. Lets talk

I went up to him and as soon as he saw me, he leaned away from the wall.

I stopped as soon as I'm near him and o dont even know what im gonna say

"What was that Malfoy?" I asked angrily

"What? The kiss?" He asked "trust me i don't even know either"

"You know exactly. What was your plan this time?" I asked

"You know exactly what my plan was." He replied

"Oh my god- was the person, who disappeared in the hallway Pansy?" I asked

He looked at me in the eyes and said


I sighed "thanks to your dumb kiss-plan, she'll hate me even more"

He went silent

"I dont even know if that was a plan"


hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now