hogwarts bully Part 2

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a couple of hours later we have lunch !!!! i swear if there's no singing whale in my stomache, then i dunno. anyways i sat where i always sat. next to hermione, ron and harry.

"tell us what happened jess!" ron said.

"you guys sTill wanna know? foine. so as we got in the office..."

while i was telling them about the situation, i can see in the corner of my eye that Pansy wanna have a starring eye competition with me. she was literally looking at my soul. then i look at her and she looked away.

that's what i thought.

after we're done eating, we made our way to our classes.

( we now have transfiguration).

i kind of like this subject to be honest. so me and Hermione went through the transfiguration courtyard to get to the other hallway.

then i heard someone calling my name


i look up and saw that Draco was sitting on a tree.

"speaking of the devil" i whispered to Hermione.

"i'll save you a seat in class" Hermione said.

"thanks i'll be right there" i said.

"see you! and... be carefull" " always" i said.

she gave a cold glare to malfoy before leaving.

"what do you want Malfoy?" i asked.

"i saw you starring alot lately. there's no possible way that you dont like me" he smirked and jumped off the tree with Crabbe and Goyle behind him.

"you talking to me?" i pull my eyebrows up.

"no, you know im just talking to the tree" he rolled his eyes.

i come closer to him and grabbed his tie. i looked at him in the eyes and pull his face closer to mine. before our lips touched, i whispered in his ear

"in your dreams Malfoy".

Crabbe and Goyle were trying to hold their laugh in. as i took a step back, i saw how he just froze.

i made my way to my class and before i got in, Malfoy chuckled and said "oh its on lincon"

i looked at him and smirked.

as i got in class, mrs.Minerva was thank god not there yet. i sat between Hermione and Ron.

Hermione asked "what did he do this time".

i answered "lets just say he got what he deserved".

Harry, who is sitting behind me, asked "what did he deserve exactly?".

"a taste of his own medicine" i answered.

"ouch" Ron said. some hours went by and it was time for dinner.

after we eat, the weasley twins came to me. they brought a paper with them and fred began to say

"so lincon..." it looks like he was searching for my name on the paper.

"Aha!" fred said as he found my name.

"ouh..." george said as he read it.

"whats wrong? oh! is that the yule ball list?" they both looked at me and just smiled.

"looks like you're partnering up with Malfoy.." george said.

Harry spits his drink out while Hermione and Ron said "cant you see we're eating?".

i look back to see Draco and said "with....him..?".

Fred and george stood up "well, enjoy the practice tomorrow morning!".

my eyes popped out

"tomorrow morning?!".

they both nod and went away. i looked at Hermione and she looked at me with a nervous smile.

a couple of minutes later we must go to our dorms and sleep. i wore my PJs and got ready for bed.

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now