hogwarts bully part 6

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i am staaaaarving! "are you guys hungry? cause i am!" i said as if im Dora The Explorer. neither Hermione nor Ron or Harry answered. i looked at the confusingly. 

"guys?" i asked scared. Hermione can't help but grin. what the- why is she smiling?! then i looked to my right at Ron and Harry. Harry was also grinning and Ron was giggling. HUH?!. 

"spit it out." i said with crossed arms. i looked at Hermione epxectantly. she said nothing. NOTHING. she just bite her lips so that she wouldn't laugh. then she pointed with her eyes to her right. then she laughed and so does Harry and Ron. Ron was the loudest out of them all.

Hermione's eyes pointed at Malfoy, who is talking to his two gorilla bodyguards. "Oh cOme On gUys! i literally FELL. it wasn't purposely!" i claimed. Ron was still giggling. he took a deep breath and said "you mean, you FELL in love with mr. Malfoy" he giggled more. i looked at him with a serious face and crossed my arms again. his laugh turns into a cough as he saw my face

"AHEM AHEM AHEM i uh AHEM there was uhm a AHEM chicken leg on my throat that's why uh" i blinked slowly and said sarcasticly "oh yeah? mhm". Harry tries to cover him up by saying "let me help you uh let me just-" he hits Ron's back and i couldn't help but laugh. 

After we ate our lunch Dumbledore has got something to say

"greetings students. as i heard from professor.Karkaroff, you all did very well at the dancing hours. we never thought, it would go so well. as you all know, the Ball is next week. the dance class will now continue in Karkaroff's Wizardry Dancing Studio. there are some other dance students there waitting to teach you all. good luck. carriages are waitting outside."

Dumbledor ended his speech. i looked back and at the same time, Malfoy turned around.  i looked away and walked with Hermione, Harry and Ron outside. 

Lots of carriage were staying outside!.

"take one carriage with your dance partner! that way it's fair" Karkaroff explained. oh no. no no no. i turned to Malfoy and he turned to me too with a annoyed face.

"let's just go." as i opened the carriage door, Malfoy just ran inside and took a seat. i sighed annoyed and took my seat facing him. the carriage was pulled by invisible creatures that could probably horses. 

"Lincon, i have got to be honest with you." he said calmly. "you are not a bad dancer."

i smiled sarcasticly.

"but you are also not a good dancer" he added.

i knew he would say that.

i scoffed.

"what?" he asked.

"i don't get why boys like you could be so cruel" i answered.

he looks at me in my eyes. it was kinda hard for me to see his eyes cause of his hair which was covering it.

"you know what i dont get? i dont get why so my girls like me but you dont" he grins.

i smiled sarcasticly. "i dont like guys that treats people like rubbish" i said curtly. 

he then stood up to take his jacket off cause it was too warm.

while doing that he said "Lincon, what do you expect from me? im a slyther-"

the carriage bumped into a little stone and before Draco could finish his sentence, he almost fell onto me. i then opened my eyes and saw Draco's face infront of mine.

he sticked his arms out so that he wont fall on me.

my head was between his arms and im looking exactly into his face, which was covered by his messy blonde hair.

it was silent

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now