hogwarts bully part 55

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the next sunday morning, i woke up by myself through the sunlight, which made little golden rectangles in our dorm

"moooooorniiiiing" i said in a tired voice while stretching myself.

after a couple of seconds, nobody said goodmorning back


i opened my eyes and saw no one. i directly jumped out of my bed and get in my clothes in the bathroom. Before i head out of the dorm, i checked if they left a note or something but it didn't seem like it so i rushed out.

"where the fuck could they now be" i whispered to myself while speed walking through the hallways. i head in the direction of the dining hall cause i think they're eating breakfast right now

"wait, pshshshshtttt" i heard someone whispered from the other corner of the hallway

i started to walk slowly as i heard the voice saying "she's comming"

lmao i'm just Jess Lincon

nothing special :P

i turned to the other side of the hallway and saw Ginny, Mione and...



he's holding flowers wtffffff


"goooooooooooddddd mooooooooooorninggggg" Mione and Ginny screamed, while Theo stands there with awkwardness written all over his face

"uhh heyy guys- what's all this and why's Theo here with.. flowers??" i asked and made a strange confused face

"well-" Hermione started

"you didn't tell him that i... you know.." i interrupted and made some type of movements with my hands and face to make her read my mind

i'm trying to tell her if she said anything about last night-

about that i kiiiindaaa have a little crush on him




Ginny and Hermione looked at me weirdly at first but then they realized what i was trying to sa

"OOOHHH- no, don't worry. we didn't say shit" Ginny said and shook her head

thank gOd

"what?" Theo asked confused

poor guy

wtf did Mione and Ginny do to him oml

"why don't you give Jess the flowers, would you?" Mione asked pOlitEly

oh shit

this is kindergarten all over again

oml this is awkward as hell-

Theo stepped towards me and stretched his arm out to hand me the flowers. I took it and gave him this awkward-ass smile.

you know, that smile. The smile that literally said how awkward this shit is silently

"now what?" i asked Mione and Ginny

i mean, i have the flowers... nOw? whAt?

"ihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi" They both giggled and hopped away


i swear these mf-

i'm tellin y'all, this is fucking kindergarten all over again-

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now