hogwarts bully part 50

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First of all holy shit, you're in part 50😱 y'all really like this book?! Omfg

I love you queens ❤

The next day, i woke up. By myself. All by myself. Nothing from Mione's noise, from Ginny's giggle.

Then i realized

It's fucking weekend people. I turned my head in the direction of Mione's bed to see if she's asleep

I smiled as i saw her messed up hair covered with her arms around her forehead. I layed my head down again and sleep in peace

ahhhhhhh feels good. Ye I'm gonna skip breakfast for today cause I'm gonna save my energy for something necessary

Some minutes later, Hermione came jumping outta her bed and screamed "GOOD MORNINGGG"

I twitched and Ginny gasped sharply

"hermione.." Ginny said in a tired voice while stretching "it's weekend" Ginny added

"I know! I've got plans for us girlsss" Hermione said and clapped her hands excitingly "now get ready for BREAKFAST" she singed

Oh god what does she have in mind

After we get ready and get dressed, we head to breakfast to obviously eat

"good morning ladies" Ron greeted as we sat down on our table

"and good morning gentlemen" we greeted and chuckled after we 3 realized that we greeted at the same time

as i grabbed a waffle from the big plate next to Ron, Hermione started to tell us what plans she got in mind

"let's go to Hogsmeade today!" she began

"oh yeah and-"

"don't interrupt me Ron." Hermione interrupted and Ron stabbed a piece of waffle with his fork

"anyways, there is a new Hogsmeade building! it's called Muggle Escape Room, it has got something to do with our brains so that's why it's really fun!" she added and smiled wildly "what do you guys think?" she asked

"if it gets something to do with my brain then i'm out" Ron answered with a full mouth

"how bout you guys?" Hermione asked us

i'm actually not down for that cause i'm not a big puzzle fan but she looks really happy right now and i know if i say no, i won't be able to see that smile again for a long time

i looked at Ginny with a nod then to Harry and nodded as well

"we're down" i answered with a smile

"yayyyyyyyy" she said in a high voice

after we ate, we made our way into Hogsmeade

"i bet it will be easy though" Harry said on the way to Hogsmeade with me, Hermione and Ginny

"if you're thinking about using your wand then of course it's easy" Hermione answered "it's called mUggLe escape room. not wIzArdS escape room" she added and looked at Harry with a face that said 'STOOPIT'

"yeah, besides, we'll have a great time solving puzzles together" Ginny said

"let's see if you'll get a panic attack" Harry replied

"let's see if you'll need my help" ginny then replied with a sarcastic smile

"ye ye i love you too" Harry rolled his eyes

after we reached Hogsmeade, Mione leads us the way to the building

as we got in, ...

yeah i should have seen that commin

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