hogwarts bully part 15

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"Jess !" I woke up and yep. Hermione.

"Aaaaaaaagh" i groaned and stood up before i could fell asleep again. By the look of hermione's face, she seems proud that i didn't continue to sleep.

We changed and went to go get breakfast.

We all sat down at our tables and ate.

"Guys" i said. "Hm?" Ron questioned with a full mouth.

I actually want to tell them about what happend last night. About Draco. Wait, why do i wanna tell them THAT?! He is Draco Malfoy. And I wanted to tell them about that slytherin asshole? Oh gosh I've lost my plot.

"I- uhhhhh- nevermind" i giggled nervously.
"Spit it" Ginny said. I looked at her and she pulled her eyebrows up. I have to tell them something, cause they'll think im hiding something.

"Well,.. what are we doing today? I mean, Yule ball is starting at 8 pm." I said with lots of hand movements.

They all looked at me with a confused look. I frozed

Then they giggled. Phew!

"Well we're going to dance with our dance practice partner for the last time today" Hermione said giggling. "Oh ok- wait WHAT?!" I said loudly.

No no no no no, not again. At least I'm better at this now. I guess

With the disappointed look on my face, my friends laughed. Ok maybe i laughed too.

So after breakfast we entered the Hall and waited till proffessor Karkaroff is there.

"SILENCE!" A voice said. We all turned to the voice's direction and yep it was proffessor Karkaroff. "Moveo ordo" 

With these words comming out of his mouth, we lined up directly. Boys facing girls

"You all know what to do!" Professor karakarof said and clapped twice.

We all took a step closer to our opponent and get to the dance position.

"Well well. Ms. Lincon wants to have a second dance" Malfoy grinned. "I didn't know about the dance practice today. That's why i thought that the dance last night was the last" i explained.

I can feel how his grin became bigger. "Let's just, dance" i sighed. I held his hand and his shoulder. As he grabbef my waist, it felt as if he was pulling it strongly closer to him.

I looked up confusingly. He bended his head down to my face and smirked. Damn, just by him doing that, i feel shorter than usual. I crunched my eyebrows.

I looked down again to focus on my steps. Ok, im starting to really be good at this dance.

His other hand, which is holding my mine, was starting to lock my hand. What is he doing- what the-

I looked up to him but he was looking in another direction.. while smirking.

I looked down and he suddenly twirled me out of nowhere, which we actually never learned before. He twirled my hand around and holds me from behind with his arms.

I turned my head halfway back to Draco. He bended his head to look at my face from behind closer. We were so close, i can even feel his breath on my neck.

"Malfoy we never learned this! What are you doing?!" I whispered

I can feel his silent grin.

"Just trying to mess with you" he whispered back. It took a second for me to understand cause im still concentrated on my steps, since Draco is behind me.

But i saw from the corner of my eye, that he was always blinking somewhere else. I looked where he was looking at, and he was looking at Pansy Parkinson, who was looking at me with a very angry gorilla look...

"You're using me to make her jealous" i said while still looking at her. He didn't reply

He locked both my hands with his.

What is he doing?! I know he wants to make her jealous to break up with her but this is too much- uuuugh! Is he, i dunno, trying to make me fall for him at the same time?!

I twirled back and pulled my wand out. He just raised his arms halfway up and grin. What the-  and everyone was looking

"What are you children doing?! DETENTION FOR BOTH OF YOU" professor Karkaroff shouted.

"But i-" i tried to explain the whole situation but he wouldnt even care. "NOW" he said. 

Crap crap crap crap crap.

I turned to Hermione with a frown and she looked worried. Even Harry and Ron. I know its my first time getting in trouble with a teacher but they dont have to worry

I rush out the door before Draco could

Great.  I love this day..

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now