hogwarts bully part 34

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"And i thought we had something"

Blaise's head turned to my direction and so did the bitch he kissed with

The slut rushed away without any other words.

That's right. Scram kid

after she disappeared, my stare wondered to Blaise's. he looked worried and shocked at the same time. it seemed as if he wanted to say something but he was just too pathetic for it

"Jess i-"

"Blaise i don't care" i interrupted.

He would just say like any other in this situation 'Jess i can explain'. Ugh just admit it, they can't explain

Instead of crying, i laughed dryly while a tear is falling down my cheek

"I didnt thought this through" he said

He didn't thought that through? The hell should that suppose to mean?

"Dude it just hurts so bad the fact that you were actually the one that asks me everyday how i am, you cheered me up when im down which made me like you, and i hate it that i can't forget that"

i tried to hold all the big tears in and it hurts like hell.

i looked up to stop the tears from getting out. i breathed in and out to relax myself.

"i actually liked you too" Blaise replied.

is that it? like, is he done? cause i just read out a whole poem at him and he replied with a lame ass sentence which didnt help at all

"oh really? so that's why you hooked up with a random girl?" i claimed

no words came out from his mouth.

just as expected

i laughed dryly and placed my hands on my waist

"ok then" i said and shrugged my shoulders "bye" i said with a smile

I mean if he ain't gonna say sum then it's a waste of my god damn time

"you're not even gonna give me another chance?" Blaise asked from a distance

i rolled my eyes and turned around

"no. you won't be better either way" i replied

"what- so you want me to walk out of your life just like that?" Blaise widend his arms confusingly and i could hear that he was crying too from his voice

ah shit. hearing him like this is the least that i want today.

"You walk yourself out of my life" i said and gave up holding back my tears "and it's best if you never come back"

as he heard my last sentence, i could see tears falling

i turned around and walked the long way to my dorm.

as soon as i turned to the other hall i held my mouth with my hand to cry silently.

i can't believe that actually happend. i can't believe it was Blaise. and i can't believe that i was in love with him at the first place

i started rushing into my dorm till i bumped into someone

i took my wand out and pointed it at the person

"woah woah woah" the person said and raised both his hands up "it's me Draco"

"I know" i said annoyed

Of course he should be here. Exactly now

draco looked at me for a second and asked "what happend?"

i lowered my wand

"Blaise" i sighed and my eyes teared up again. ugh i just hate that name from now on. BlAisE

Malfoy looked surprisingly worried. but i don't care what he thinks. He would think im pathetic and all

"What's with Blaise?" He asked

His voice seemed so shocked or worried...

BAHAHHA oml that's so weird
Lmao he do be playin games tho

"Let's just say, i lost someone who didn't care" i said and looked at him in the eyes "and he lost someone who did"

We stayed like that for awhile and i just realized it's fucking Malfoy

"Oh god it's so weird talking something like this with you" i laughed dryly and walked away

It's like he just froze. He didn't say a word. He just looked at me in some type of way which i can't describe

Ugh he's doing it again

As soon as i got in my dorm, Hermione and Ginny asked me lots of questions.

"why are you late again?"

"jess, we know you got sum to tell"

"we have been worrying about you!"

"you never studied until midnight"

"spit it out"

oh my god. i get that they care for me but they ain't gotta do me like that

"guys can you please give me a second to think all this through?" i asked

they saw my tears and my red nose

lmao rudolf the red nose reindeer

"omg sorry we didn't see that you were...crying" hermione said and hugged me

Ginny held my hand and lead me too my bed

im so blessed to have them as my friends

they sat down next to me on my bed and brushed my shoulders

"what happend?" Ginny asked

ugh not this question again.

"i don't wanna talk about it" i answered and wiped my tears away

"jess, if you don't tell us, we can't help you" hermione said while trying to catch my eyes

"it's..."  i wanted to say 'its Blaise' but that saying that name feels like as if someone is stabbing my chest

Hermione's eyes popped out "it's what? Draco?! i swear to god if he-"

i shook my head roughly and wiped my tears again

"is it Blaise?" Ginny asked worryly

oh no that name again. my eyes started to fill up with tears again

"he kissed a slUt" i said and pronounced the word slut disgustingly "and do you know what's the best part? he said he liked me too" i laughed sarcastically.

"maybe he just made a mistake. maybe he was forced to kiss her" Hermione said

she gotta be shiting me right now

"yeah. or just forgive and forget! and you won't see him as an enemy" Ginny claimed

i can tell they never been heartbrokend

i crunched my eyebrows as she said 'forgive and forget'

"wha- forgive and forget?!" i said shockingly "honey, fuck him and fuck that" i added

i stood up from my bed to see them both face to face

"look, i would rather be Rose in the Titanic than forgiving him. and he was not fOrCed to kiss that bitch. he kissed her cause he's an idiot and he proved it" i explained with hand movements

it was silent for a second then they smiled and look at eachother

"that's our Jess"

i smiled.

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now