hogwarts bully part 1

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feels great to finally meet my friends again after awhile! i got my uniform on and im on my way to the train. i looked at the time. shoot! im gonna miss my train!

i then felt someone grabbing me.

it was Hermione! she pulled me in the train and the door closes. i hugged her "Hermione! it's so nice to finally see you again!" she hugged me back and said "jess! i missed you !" we then took our seats and saw Ron and Harry waitting for us. i hugged them both and greeted them.

we talked and talked in the train ride to Hogwarts. we talked about how our christmas were or what we did, or what's new in our lives.

some hours later, weve arrived in our big castle we called school ! as we got in the Hogwarts dining hall, we took our seats at the Gryffindor table.

then we listen to dumbledors speech.he was greeting us warmly and was happy to finally see us again.

in the middle of dumbledor's speech, someone behind me was whispering the whole time about how stupid dumbledor is. i turn around and of course!

it was malfoy.

well he hadn't change through the holidays.

"Malfoy! psst" i whispered.

he turns around and whispered back " what do you want Lincon?"

(yeah lincon is my last name)

"can you uhm well i dunno shut up?" i asked 'politely'.

"yeah of course!" he whispered.


"no you filthy mudblood. what am i your slave? " he looks away and whispered more

"fine. ignore me draco lucius malfoy."

he turns to me again

"never. call me by my middle na-" 

"malfoy and lincon. do you have anything to say?" said mrs.Minerva before draco could finished his sentence.

we frozed. "my office" she said.

"jess? what did you do?" hermione whispered as i stood up.

"we'll talk about that later" i whispered and walk my way to the office with draco.

it was so embarrassing. literally everyone was looking!. as draco and i sat on the chair in the office we begin arguing.

"it was his fault i heard him whisp-" 

"what are you talking about? you could have let me-"

"let you what? that's what i thought"

"let me finish you mudblood!"

"well should i say what you whispered about on the tab-"

mrs.Minerva bangs the table and it was quiet.

"what you BOTH did was wrong. i dont want this to happen again. understand?"

we both said "yes madame".

me and draco make our way to our class.

"this is all your fault" he claims

"draco, it is BOTH our faults. now deal with it".

out of nowhere was Harry there and he pulled me.

"what was wrong?"he asked.

"Draco. how could someone be so...UGH!"

"i get you" Hermione said

as we got in our classroom, Ron saved us our seats. Hermione and Harry rushed to their seats.

they also left a seat free for me..... next to draco.. i sat down.

Draco sUddenlY asks

" what brings you here?"

i cant with this boy-

"we have the same schedule?" i said.

"i mean why are you sitting next to me? ye like meh dontcha?" he smirks.

crabbe and goyle was hyping draco up by saying "UhUhUhU".

"no, first of all im seating here cause its literally the last free place here and second im going to risk sitting here cause no one else will"

Hermione, Harry and Ron was copying crabbe and goyle by saying "UhUhUhU" draco looked at me with a 'oh no u didnt' face.

i smirked to him with a 'oh yes i did' face. crabbe and goyle giggled.

then the teacher proffessor snape came in and starts teaching us the Defense of dark Arts

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now