hogwarts bully part 9

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"Leave Dracy alone, you slag!"
I then turned to pansy- ewogh even the name makes me wanna throw up-,who brought crabbe and goyle for no reason. "Parkinson this is none of your- wait- hold up-" i turned to draco and i have to grin. "Dracy?" Draco rolled his eyes. I turned to Pansy again and she said "just leave my boyfriend alone!" She said loudly.

Draco looked at her with a confused face "im not your-"

"Shut up Dracyboo!" I hold my hand on my face to not laugh. But i heard Harry's laugh so i must at least giggle. She said dracyboo oh my goodness. Ok keep cool keep cool.

"This is ridiculous" draco said and left.
"I'll be right with you honey!" Pansy turned to Draco's direction and shouted. She then quickly turned to me. So fast i can see her hair jiggle. "Dont come near him again." I smiled sarcastically at her and said "he came to me first. Besides, this is the gryffindor table."

"JUST DON'T " Pansy shouted and jiggled her head. I raised my hands up as if the police caught me and slowly back down while smiling at her. She loves it when i smile at her. And she walks away

"Oh my goodness" Hermione said and laughed. I looked at her and laugh too which makes Harry wanna laugh also. Ron was busy eating his chicken and that made us laugh even more.

After we ate, me and my roommate, Ginny and Hermione, made our way to our room and slept. Wait- did i say slept? Tomorrow is weekend!  We all wore our ball dresses and talk and talk.

"The ship is literally sailing and you and Ron are in it!" I said to Hermione. She laughed and became red. "Yeah i saw how he watched you at the dinner table awww" Ginny said and singed 'aww'. "Oh really? I thought he was busy eating the chicken" Hermione said and we all laughed. "Oh and how bout you, Mrs. potter ?" I said to ginny and she pushed me lightly on my shoulders while giggling.

We then took our dresses off and wore our PJs. We layed in our bed and get ready to sleep.

"Guys" i whispered. "Hm?" They answered.

"Wanna go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah! I'm sure we'll have fun!"  Hermione said

We then slept.

Omg omg omgggggg thank you thank you thank you for the people that still read my story❤ eheheven if im always late😅 ILYSM 💕 ty for reading and more are comming of course

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now