hogwarts bully part 28

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I ran down the halls and felt how warm my face was. Tears fell out of my eyes nonstop as i ran down the stairs.

Why was i crying?!

As i walked down the halls, i saw Blaise walking by.

Ugh why now?! Why the hell is he even up?! It's like freaking midnight

"Oh hey jess!" He said as i came closer

"Hey." I said dryly and tried to hide my face.

"Are you ok?" He asked as i almost passed by

I ignored that question and just moved on. Im not in the mood for any of those fake motivation shit

before i completely passed him, he grabbed my wrist. I didn't turn my face around. I didn't want to.

Not like this

"Jess look at me" Blaise said worrily

"Blaise im fine now let me go" i said and felt how his grip isn't getting weaker

"Look at me" he commanded

I wanted ro say something but nothing came out. Nothing could come out. Tears are filling up my eyes and i couldn't easily breathe. At this moment i knew,

If i said a word, he would know from my voice that I'm crying.

But if i keep quiet, he would also think that im crying

Why should everything be so complicated

I started to breath heavily while heavy tears fell on my clothes. I could feel my heart pumping out of my body.

As i turned my head back to look at him, i saw Malfoy in the background going down the stairs then he stopped as he saw me.

With Blaise

I ripped my hand out of Blaise's and go to my dorm quickly

"Jess wait!" A voice said

It's not Blaise. It's Malfoy.

I ignored him and just go on

"Jess before she kissed me i wanted to say that we broke up!" Malfoy yelled from behind trying to catch up with me

Oh my god this stupid asshole istg

I turned my whole body around quickly and moved a step forward at him

"But yet she kissed you!" I claimed while more tears came out

"She didn't want me to tell you!" He claimed worrily

"Why not!" I asked kind of angrily

He took a deep breath and hold it for a sec. Then he said

"Because she think you're in love with me"

My eyes popped out. And i held my breath for a sec

"Why would i be in love with someone like you?" I said in a light stuttered voice

He looked at his feet and looked back at me

"Exactly" he said in a calm voice

I wiped my tears away and turned around to go to my dorm until i heard Malfoy saying

"Why are you still mad at me?!" He asked as i was about to go in my dorm

it would just be easier if people could read my mind

I turned around and said

"How on earth can i not be mad at you?!" I claimed and widend my arms

I make some steps closer to him

"You used me, you ruined my life, and, you messed up my feelings" i said and said the last sentence calmly

"I'm a Malfoy what do you expect?!" He said and widend his arms

I made a short break and said

"Then don't be a Malfoy just for a second!" I said

He sighed

There was a short break

"I have a question and you must answer honestly" i said and he slipped his hands in his pocket

"Ask" he said

I breathed out and said

"Were you being a Malfoy when you kissed me?"

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now