hogwarts bully part 11

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Can there just be one day, ONE day without Malfoy?

"Malfoy, i know you're an asshole, but you don't have to show it" i said while trying to stand up.

His face turned serious.
"call me that one more time and you'll see what'll happen." Malfoy said

"Call you what? Asshole?" I 'asked' sarcastically while smiling. His angry face always made my day. But he then walked slowly towards me and his face looked more serious. Every step he took towards me is a step i took further from him until i met the door behind me. crap! i can't take another step back. 

and that's when i get nervous

i watched as he came more closer to me. he then stopped and stretched his arm out on the wall, which was next to the door, so that i won't get away. he looked at me from the bottom to the top but then stopped at my eyes, which were looking directly at his. 

"you like it when i do this to you, don't you?". 

i'm sorry whAt? excuse moi?! boi whAH? HUH?! he thinks-  omg i can't stand this boy. i don't even want to answer that dumb question

and there it is. the grin. the famous grin from Draco Malfoy. i knew he couldn't be serious.

oh god, i dont know what is happening to me. my cheeks are turning lightly red and i couldnt breathe anymore. i wanna get out of here ASAP

I tried to look for the door knob quietly so that i could get out of his face as fast as i could while Draco is still talking about some random stuff i dont really care about.

As soon as i caught the knob, i pushed it down and got to the other side where my friends were

As i was in the other compartment, i opened the curtain on the door's window halfway and glued my middle finger on it so that malfoy could see it.

The door was thin, that i could hear Malfoy's scoff and i could feel how the ground vibrates because of Draco's giant steps which was slowly fading.

Geez he got a big foot

"Jess?" I heard from behind. I turned back and my best friends were looking at me confusingly. "You ok?" Harry asked.

I frozed at first but then i realized that they were talking to me. "Me?- oh yeah! Yeah im good. And you guys?" I asked unexpectedly

They looked at each other and giggled
"Looks like we need to buy you a new shirt" Hermione said while giggling. I looked down at my shirt. "yep, yeah we need to" i said disappointedly and sat on my seat again.

The train ride was fun actually. We told each other jokes, Hermione got closer to Ron, Harry and Ginny.. are getting to it, and we told each other some stories or facts we probably didn't know about each other.

After 10 minutes, i can see the Hogsmeade buildings. They look beautiful with or without snow. Eeeee!!!!! Can't wait to go out there!

"Guys, oh goodness, we're here!" Ginny said.

As the door opened, we ran out and and entered Hogsmeade

"Oh my god. Jess. Jess!" Hermione whispered kind of loud. "Hm?" I answered. "Look! They have a new dress in Gladrags Wizardwear!" Hermione said while pointing at the shop. "But i need a white sh-" before i could finished my sentence, Hermione pulled me and Ginny towards the shop.

"Uhm..girls?" Ron shouted. "No! Psht! Quiet before they'll take us too!" Harry whispered loudly that i could hear it.

We entered the shop and saw thousand of new dresses.

"Hermione, we already have our dresses. We dont need new ones" i said. "Who says we're buying them? We can try them on" hermione smirked. I looked at Ginny and she was drooling all over the dresses. I mean, why not.

Hermione picked tons of dresses to try on and so does Ginny. I haven't got one dress to try on. They all look stunning but i dont think they'll fit me.

Then Ginny came to me and said "Here! This would fit you so well! Just try!"

Ginny gave me a black dress with thin shoulder straps and a back lace. Im curious how this will end up looking.

I go to my changing room and changed into my dress.

I look..... nice actually. But im embarrassed to show it to Hermione and Ginny. I can hear them from here and they kept on saying "come on jess! How bad can it be?".

"Fine." I said and opened the curtain.

"Oh. My. God. Is it...you? Or an angle? Holy crap you look good WOAH" Hermione and Ginny kept on complementing me and i can feel my red cheeks. I love them so much.

Then someone came in the shop and it was... Draco.

I looked at him and he froze and looked at me back.

What is he doing here?

Hey guyssss!!❤😁This part is kind of long sorry 😅💕hehe i hope you all enjoyed it!💕❤

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now