hogwarts bully part 49

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"Lying?" Malfoy repeated confused

"Yeah. The bag, asshole" i said and crossed my arms

He looked down at the bag and back at me

"what's with the bag?" He asked dumbly

"You know what's wrong with the goddamn bag" i replied annoyed

"Wha- just get to the point! What the fuck do you want?" Malfoy asked irritated

"nothing" i answered and turned away to go back to my dorm


Why was i even here ? To clear things up with thAt gUy? Big mistake dude

Shouldn't have come here

"ey hold up" Draco said from behind

I inhaled harshly but quietly and exhaled strongly yet silently

I turned around and hope he got something better to say

"whAt" i widend my arms

"What did you want to tell me?" He asked and walked some steps towards me

"Nothing. Im bUsy" i replied annoyed and head my way back to the dorm again

"Busy? Busy with what?" He scoffed

I stopped walking and decided not to look at his face cause that's the least I'd be needing today

"Busy gathering my thoughts together" i answered and sighed

"i know you wanted to tell me something" he said


I finAllY turned around to look at his face and made some steps towards him

"do me a favour" i started

"no" Malfoy answered before i could even say another word

"stfu and listen" i replied angrily

He crossed his arms and stood up straight, which means he's listening

"go mess someone else's lives, i don't care who but- ugh, why me?!" I asked him. The last sentence was me probably talking to myself though

He went closer to me and uncrossed his arms while looking down at me

"why not you?" He asked and sharped his jaw as he closed his mouth

I crunched my eyebrows "there are literally unlimited reasons why not me" i answered

"You've never had a boyfriend, have you?" Malfoy suddenly asked






The fact i uh never had a boi-

Ahem- ahem- what waz dat?

"Ba- uh- what?! ExcUse mE?!" I asked and placed a hand on my chest

"It's obvious" Malfoy replied calmly

Omfg what a devil

"I'm not gonna talk to you about my love life, Malfoy" i said still offended

"Why don't you want to have one?" He then asked




"Ok dude, stfu" i replied and tried to act calm

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now