hogwarts bully part 3

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i woke up the next morning by Hermione humming and a with a messy hair.

"hermione?" i looked to her with a confused look as i got out of my bed.

she turned around and said "yes?" with a big smile on her face.

she was holding a pink dress on her chest while wearing her pajamas.

"ohhhh yeah now i get why you're humming"

i could imagine her walking down the stairs with that wonderful dress.

"amazing, isn't it?" she asked and spins.

"wonderfull!" i answered.

"join me! take your dress out and dance with me!"

i went to my closet and pulled my dress out. i didn't wanted to go off board with the dresses like some girls.

i mean, it's just a dance.

my dress is burgundy-coloured it's a red tone color. i chose this color because it matches with my house and hermione approved with my decision.

i took my dress out of my closet and dance with her.

we were giggling till Ginny woke up. (me and Ginny have bunked beds).

"what are you guys- im not gonna ask" we giggled more as her head sinks into her pillow. 

i looked at the time and.... crap.

"breakfast is starting soon! what are we- out of our minds? hurry!"

we all then got ready and rush to the dining hall.

we were almost there! then i fell.


i fell.

i closed my eyes knowing it would hurt. but... i only felt an ice cold hand grabbing my waist.

i slowly opened my eyes and saw draco only some centimeters away from my face.

from this near, i can see his blue eyes more clearer. my hands were on his chest and i can feel his heartbeat. we were so close, that i even can feel his breath on my lips.

he was looking at me like im something else than just jess lincon.

he never look at me this way before. and so do i. Hermione and Ginny were coughing purposely as if it's another way to say "faster".

then i realized where i am, who he was and he let go off me as if i was burning.

"watch where you're going, you prat." he walks pass me and pushed me with his shoulders away.

he took his seat after he got in the dining hall and starts talking with his stupid mouth to his stUpid friends.

i rolled my eyes and crunched my fist.

" what.was.that." Hermione asked with popped out eyes.

i grabbed them both by their wrists and took our seats. Hermione and Ginny took their seats and froze with their mouth wide open.

"guys? what... happend?" Harry asked.

"you guys are scaring me.." ron said.

"one word. Malfoy" i said.

"it had never been this worse with them two.." ron looked at them with a confused face.

anyways we start eating our breakfast. and after breakfast, Dumbledore began with his speech 

"good morning Wizards and Witches! as you all know, there will be a Yule Ball event in Hogwarts soon and your partner had been chosen by Mrs.McGonagall."

i looked at Fred, who was looking at me with a disappointed face knowing im teamed up with.. you know who.

"there will be no subjects for today" dumbledor added.

everyone starts screaming happily. Dumbledor took his wand out and point it towards the ceiling

"baubillious." a lighting stroke the ceiling and everybody sat on silence.

"where was i? oh yeah, there will be no subjects only for today. you may make your way to the great hall now where you'll practice your foot work with Proffesor Igor Karkaroff "

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