hogwarts bully part 21

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"I knew it" he said with a grin. I scoffed and looked away from him

"You're kidding" i said

"With what?" He asked

"With me falling in love with you" i replied still looking away from him

"I dont know. You tell me" he said with a calm voice.

I mean, i understand if the girls here are in love with him. I mean look at him! He is good looking, he is tall, he got those eyes, that hair, he flirts alot with girls like damn, and he's, to be honest, great at dancing! He was already good before the dancing lessons with professor Karkaroff!

Before Malfoy was about to walk away, i asked

 "why are you so good at dancing?"

I turned my head to him.

He stopped as if he was frozen but he then slipped his hands in his pockets and looked down.

I dont know what this boy is up to oh gosh.

He turned to me and his eyes met mine directly.

"I had dancing lessons as i was very young" he said

How could a very young kid like dancing?
Cant. Relate.

"And you actually liked it?" I asked curiously

He stopped for a second but then shook his head

"No. Not really" he said shortly

That doesn't make any sense. He doesn't like dancing but he had dancing lessons?

"Then why did you joined a dancing class?" I asked but tried not to sound interested

With this question we lost our contacts

"It was my father's choice" he said and walked out from the balcony

His father's choice. It was his father's choice.
The boy could really be mysterious

"JESS!" Hermione yelled infront of the balcony

I gasped. Oh damn, Hermione again

I turned to her and said "hermione" with a calm voice


My eyes popped and i rushed with her into the ball. But i then almost tripped on the little stair step on the way out of the balcony. Luckily someone caught me.

"Oh shit- uh thanks" i said and as i looked up..

 i saw freaking Blaise Zabini infront of me holding both of my arms till my elbows.

Should i call that 'luckily?'

"Yeah, no problem" he said and smiled right after that sentence.

I smiled back

As the Rock'N'Roll band played my jam, me, Hermione and Ginny were dancing like wild animals while Harry and Ron sat there like sloths

"Oh come on guys!! Join us! I promise it'll be fun!" I said loudly due to the loud ass music

They looked at eachother, rolled their eyes and stood up to join us

It was fun. Really fun!

Until everything went blurry. I crunched my eyes to see much better but it's no use. My head was spinning around and i feel like throwing up. Oh god the music is so loud.

I looked down on my feet and layed my hands on my stomache.

"Are you ok, jess?" Harry asked and layed his hand on my shoulder

"I don't know. All i know is that i must get out of here" i said and made my way out of the crowd to the bathroom

"Jess!" A voice said behind me. I looked back to find Hermione and Ginny running after me.

I love them and all but, i dont wanna puke on them

As they reached me, Ginny asked "Harry told us there's something wrong with you. Are you ok?!"

"Ask me a question, which i can answer surely"  i said slowly and turned with them into the girl's bathroom

I bend myself on the sink in case I'm about to throw up. But i didn't feel any pain in my stomache again

Ginny held my hair up while Hermione kept on wanting me to puke

"Jess i promise it will make you feel better"

"But I'm already feeling better!" I claimed

"You would feel better than better!" She replied

I then stopped talking cause my head was hurting like hell. I closed my eyes and layed one hand on my forehead

"Im calling a teacher" Ginny said

"I don't need a teach-"

"I'm comming with you. Jess stay here" hermione commanded and rushed out the bathroom with Ginny.

I know they want the best for me but, they could really be too protective

I washed my face and looked at the mirror

At least I'm still pretty ;D

I walked out of the bathroom to make my way to the ball again cause no way im waiting here to see a fucking teacher

Ouch. Every step i take, the pain in my head gets bigger and stronger. Damn. Is there like an anker in there?

I layed my hand on my forehead and walked slowly.

Nope. It's too much pain. But I'm almost there.

As i took another step, my knees were weak and i kneed down on the floor with my eyes closed trying make the pain disappear

But someone held my arms till my elbow.

The same way like Blaise did.

I was still closing my eyes while looking down and i definitly knew it was Blaise

"Sorry Blaise i-"

"Blaise?" The voice said

I was confused but as i opened my eyes and looked up, it was Malfoy.

First of all, thank you
@SamruddhiSoni for the amazing tips❤❤❤ and second of all, i hope y'all enjoyeddddd😁

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