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It took her a while to set her belongings accordingly. Once done, she looked up, only to see her mother standing near the door with a mug of coffee. A small smile instantly spreaded across her face and she quickly made some space for her mother to come and sit.

"When are you leaving?" Mia asked her, handing over the mug.

"Sunday." She replied back.

Staying at Jin's had helped her gain a lot of comfort but after meeting her love again, she had a sudden urge to snuggle into something warm. Warm and bright and cosy and homey, somewhat like her family. They've been so worried about her and she hadn't met them in a long while. So she decided to show up at the big mansion at midnight, when almost everyone was asleep, with drops of tears decorating her face and she'd never forget how each and every person ran down to hug her on noticing the big drops of emotions on her face, the fastest being her father.

She remembered how loudly she sobbed when her father embraced her warmly. And then when she looked in his eyes, she saw disappointment.

But no one brought the topic up. He, even after being aware of everything, stayed quiet whereas Inaya stayed quiet because she believed they were unaware.

"What are you thinking about?"

She broke out of her thoughts and saw her mother sitting infront of her.

"What's up, baby?' Mia smiled softly, pulling Inaya to sit beside her.

"Nothing... I just- It would've been weird, right?" Inaya looked at her with an unreadable emotion in her eyes, waiting for an answer to her question, only to be met with silence.

She looked at her mother, reading a small content smile on her lips, and an obvious feeling of love in her eyes. She smiled herself, making herself comfortable after placing her head on her mother's lap. Mia's fingers involuntarily kneaded through her hair and fondled her carefully.

It felt home. Not so warm but home. Inaya felt safe and secure, calm as well but the warmth was missed out. She tried to overcome that want but her heart stopped her, it wanted that particular warmth of that someone she hoped she'd forget. But her heart clearly had different plans, for it thumped in her ribs to feel that touch again.

It was difficult, she realised, and it had been difficult at that time too, but this was a different kind of difficult. She wasn't disgusted like then, she wasn't repentant like she had been then, she just felt empty.

"It must be difficult," She heard her mother's soft coo and nodded unknowingly. "You love him?" She heard the question and nodded before the words sank in.

"What? Who?" Inaya turned over to look in her mother's eyes and found comfort and assurance.

"I got to know the day you came here. Apparently, your father had known everything since day one, Jungkook had told him everything right then and there. And your father, his words and I quote 'He is a genuine boy, Mia, and I guess it's great if Seol has such friends who can make her happy', he had this unbreakable faith in Jungkook, but the night he saw you, oh honey! He was ready to commit a sin again."

She chuckled at the thought of her father with his paintbrushes and his silly threats, hugging her mother tighter, in search of her warm place, and exhaled soundly.

"Whatever it is, Inaya, you don't have to force yourself into or out of anything. Take you time, be what you've always been and grow gradually." Her soothing words helped Inaya, they made her feel loved, like she was needed and she smiled a little wider.

"Because eventually one of the two things will happen, either he'll realise he needs you, or you'll realise you don't."


"You want to meet her again?! Why would you want to meet her again?!" Jimin exclaimed, slapping his palm over his chest dramatically.

"It's- I- It's not like I cannot meet her?" Jungkook sighed, twirling around in his temporary bed, the mattress in the closet, and kicking his legs to pull off the blanket.

"Yes, you can meet her but why?!"

"To talk." Jungkook shrugged.

"About what?"

"That maybe I'm making a mistake and for god's sake, hyung, you know I am making a mistake!" Jungkook glared at his friend.

"So? And yes, you are making a mistake." Jimin nodded, arms crossed over his chest, eyes closed and a small look of disappointment decorated his face.

"Then why aren't you stopping me? Like- STOP ME!!!" Jungkook sat up, grabbed his friend by his shoulders and shook him violently.

"Wo-woah! Stop!"

"Stop what?" Jungkook looked at him befuddled.

"Stop shaking me, idiot!" Jimin pulled himself out of the strong grasp and walked out of the closet. "And think, if what you're doing is what you want to do. If you really want to meet her." He shouted over his shoulders and left his friend alone for sometime.

"Ofcourse I want to meet her. She's my fiancee!" Jungkook shouted back, rolling his eyes.

Why wouldn't he want to meet Eun Ae? Now that they were supposed to be married, he was supposed to know her better and he had planned to do it well and orderly.

First step, get to know her, whatever her likes and dislikes were. Whatever he'd have to be in order to make her happy. Whatever she'd want him to be, he'd become that. A good and caring husband. And if possible, he'd try to love her, too. But the fact that he didn't have to bother about any such thing around Inaya made him gloomy.

Second step, try to be as friendly as possible. Jungkook believed, or he believed he did, that Eun Ae was not the cause of his sorrow and since she hadn't done anything wrong, he had no right to treat her wrongly. He would try to be as courteous as he could and be at his best behavior while they got to know each other. But the fact that he didn't have to try or swank his mannerisms infront of Inaya, that made him even more gloomy.

And finally step three, be as discreet as I can. He wondered why did he bring this in. For his virtues, if she would share her secrets with him, he could do that too. But a broken part of him, that damned broken part had already isolated himself, deep down in an ocean of emotions. Of no measured depth, the ocean was, and Jungkook was afraid to swim in it. The emotions had been too strong and he had also known that if he jumped in it, there was no way up, there were no rays of sunlight in that deep blue ocean of his emotions; emotions that often would've been described the best by color grey.

But the fact that he didn't have to be afraid to jump, or moreover he wouldn't have the need to jump because there wouldn't be any such ocean, when he had Inaya by his side. Just that, it made him wonder if he really wanted to meet his fiancee or if he actually needed her.

He sighed, finally stepping off his bed, and grabbed his coat and hat. He'd had a date today and he wouldn't let that be ruined. Not because of...



I just hoped i could update today. This chapter was just a filler.

Merry Christmas y'all!

Be the best of you!

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