236 21 48

(Mature, likecompletelymature, there isn't anything else)

With this beauty
With this lovable tenderness
With the mornings, anew, just like this
Let me keep you with myself, forever.


Jungkook was sleeping peacefully. His head resting on her chest, that rose and rested as calmly as his breathing. She tried stirring away but his weight didn't help. Giving in to the stubbornness of his weight, she tried positioning herself in accordance with his heavy head, snuggling more into him.

Hours spent, she'd say, and the guy didn't move. He slept, as if he was heavily tired, exhausted to the extent of labor, funny he'd never know what it felt like. Bewitching, she'd be the one carrying a baby in her womb, and oh how lovely it would be if it was his.

Just then his eyes fluttered open, his Bambi eyes looked into hers, still fluttering due to the immense amount of sunlight hitting them instantly, as he was facing towards the window. She sat up a little, covering his eyes using her body.

"Good morning, love." Her voice hit his ears with its usual tint of morning roughness and love flowing through it.

"Good morning, beautiful." He kissed her lips, leaving a lustful blessing in her guts but she suppressed it. Had it been yesterday that they weren't this normal and she just fell in love with him all over again because he didn't disturb her privacy at all? Yes, it was the day before.

Lovingly, he stared deep down in her eyes, almost undressing her in his imagination with considerable amount of affection and obsession. He was obsessed with her- her, her body everytime it fitted this perfectly with his, her mouth everytime it pouted to kiss him, her hands everytime they set the electrical feeling on a rush in his veins, her love that just grew unconditionally for him, her trust that she hadn't let vacillate once.

Shit, I love her.

He looked away, nervous for an unknown reason and the unstable feeling caused several clenched tight knots in his guts.

More than anyone, more than myself.

It'd be, now, for the trillionth time that he'd be be reminding this to himself, not just reminding rather reliving the same feeling again.

"Get up, baby." As she got up, her warmth snatched away from him and he felt cold.

"Noona..." He whined, grabbing her attention. She laughed merrily at his small tantrum, walking back to him and snuggling in him again.

Had it been like this forever, will she worry about anything? No, she wouldn't, never.

Their small, peaceful and happy moment was disturbed by the ringing of his phone and he grabbed it in vexation.


He read it out loud, but threw it to the other side. When he noticed the questionable look on Inaya's face, he smiled sheepishly.

"Phone can wait, first I need to make love to my beautiful girlfriend."

She giggled when he carried her and placed her on her back, hovering on top of her. His sleepy eyes changed from lazy to lusty, the most lustful she'd seen this month.

He slid down her body, stopping at the exact point from where he could see her slightly exposed stomach and her black underwear lying on her skin, shouting for him to pull it away. Pulling it down ever so gently, he placed kisses on her stomach, tickling her and making her laugh.

She smiled at him, once he looked up to meet her eyes but continued his work in a millisecond. His pecks travelled to her inner thighs and lingered over there, raging her heartbeat along with her breathing.

As she expected, when she looked back at him he was smirking. She cursed at him verbally, but he noticed that her eyes pleaded for pleasure. Giving in to those pretty eyes, he dipped back to her core, kissing her folds, wetting them with his tongue.

He heard her say 'shit' sexily and craved for more of it, allowing his tongue to dip inside her, he made her moan with the very first contact.

She felt his grab on her breasts, the fabric still in contact with her body. His tongue still working, made her moan again and again as he overlapped it with her folds.

It was bliss, it was heaven, it was nirvana. Her breathing quivered and her lips that were troubled by her teeth parted away in awe when he teased her clit, periodically skimming his nose over it.

Her hands went down to tug on his hair, and he felt a pain in his sweatpants, that wished to spring out of his boxers. He moaned against her core, when she tugged on his hair harder this time and his member throbbed within his clothes.

She moaned loudly when she felt her orgasm build and the pressure in her stomach increase. She cursed again, sexily, and he'd liked it.

He pulled her body close to his face, he licked and devoured, parting away when satisfied with his delicious breakfast.

He got up immediately, pulled off his sweatpants and his boxer along with it. Stroked his memeber a few times and he entered in her shaking body. Her loud moan turned him on even more, as he bent down to kiss her lips, parting away only when he pulled off her t-shirt.

His hips moved slowly and gently, just as he said I need to make love to my beautiful girlfriend. Their kiss heated up and they started devouring each other. His tongue slipped in her mouth, while her nails dug in his back.

He smiled against the kiss, locking both her hands above her head and pulled away to kiss on her neck. His wet kisses soon turned into sucking, leaving marks that trailed along her neck to her breasts.

His pace increased when he felt his high, thrusting into her strongly and deeply. He moaned out loud when he finally reached his point and pulled out of her.

Panting heavily he laid next to her, bringing himself close to her and kissed her cheek repeatedly. Whilst her body was still shaking from the colossal amount of pleasure she'd just encountered, she felt the love radiating from his body.

Their pure happiness filled the room once they got over their highs and giggled sheepishly. He mumbled the three loving words to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. A sense of accuracy rushed through her mind and she kissed him before parting away to get ready.

He's my right!



Ayo ladies and gentlemen
How are y'all?

Anyways, be happy, stay happy. Stay hydrated, eat well and healthy. Love yourself with every single bit. Cherish your own selves. And most importantly, take care of yourselves.

Be the best of you!

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