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"Honestly, I'm thankful that I'm not a K-Pop idol, like look, they get mobbed every single time! While us writers, fortunately, aren't that great of a-"

"Inaya, stop talking, honey, run, we're getting late!" Namjoon grabbed her arm, ushering her to move faster, as they walked past few, bumping here and slipping there.

"Calm down, calm down. I can't take all of this running, especially not after what happened today morning." She murmured the latter part to herself, flashes of skin clapping together playing in her mind and she immediately shook her head.

She was off to Incheon for a book signing event, more like a tea event with few fans, she'd completely forgot about. Greatly and fortunately, her manager had appeared four hours before the departure of flight and she got to get ready without any delay in her schedule, but when Jeon Jungkook breathes in her life, she shouldn't be so grateful.

The boy, ever so irresponsibly, had crawled over Namjoon's foot while trying to avoid his gaze and rush out of the view. In reflex, as Namjoon skipped up and down on his other leg, he kicked Jungkook's face, earning an immediate grunt from the latter.

'Fuck you' would've been blessed out of his mouth if he hadn't noticed the suspicious glare directed towards him, from the older and also, if his beloved girlfriend had not sat on his back with the speed of light, ofcourse with her bulky weight, in order to make him a living walking, no, crawling chair. Which was meant to make you oblivious!

She laughed, as she passed the security section, then went on to board on the plane with Namjoon. Talking about this lad, he was so unimpressed when he saw Jungkook, that Nestor would have proved to be the most tasteful person in this world. He simply ignored Jungkook's being, which inspired fire in Jungkook, and started to talk to Inaya about her carelessness and miscalculated timetable.

The man was irresponsible, but he was idiot to the pit of hell, surprised her. Jungkook didn't need to but he had cleared his throat loud enough, and barged in Namjoon's face, offering him to ask the very question 'Who are you?'. But Namjoon didn't bother.

And Jungkook's last braincell was thrown away in that particular dump, which he had named my-so-called-sanity.

Was it just the moment or did she really hear someone saying 'Let the fight begin!'? Now that she finally had the time to question, she actually didn't have any.

"Hurry up, babe!" Namjoon hissed, pushing her through the gates of the jet, before jostling her on one of the seats and sitting on the one beside her.

She eyed him sheepishly, as he kept on mumbling curse words. When he stopped to look at her, she was already sleeping, he shrugged it off to be all the running they had done, but little did he know it was the intimate moment she'd shared with the man he had kicked in the face.


"She said twelve!" He hissed from one side.

"It's just... TWO MINUTES MORE THAN THAT, JUNGKOOK!" The fairy like voice, was burdened with rawness and sounded as if Jimin just woke up from a deep slumber.

"Exactly, two minutes!!"

"Jeon Jungkook, don't be so- uhhh overprotective."

"Hyung! What if the plane crashed? What if she couldn't reach the airport on time? What if her manager didn't take care of her and leave her back in Incheon? Talking about him, he also knows now." Jungkook nodded to no one in particular, but still smiled.

"Knows what?" Jimin wasn't concerned, he was sleepy and his sleep was troubled by his very own younger friend. But he just didn't want Jungkook to feel ignored.

"Knows about our relationship. And man, he got thighs. Like really, and another thing, he kicked me in the face."

"Sorry, what?" Jimin laughed, not getting the point of this talk, or why his words were jumbled without any proper prescription or so and why was he not relating a line to another, he was just saying what came up in his mind. "You know, you're jumbling things up, right?"

"I.... Yeah, I do. Inaya isn't here yet, hyung." Jimin must've laughed when he heard Jungkook whine with his heart, but his voice came muffled.

No doubt, he loved her that much.

"She'll be back soo-"

"Bye! I guess she's here!" He hung up on the call, running to the living room immediately.

His eyes brightened when he saw her, all flushed and with sweat dripping down her forehead. Her hand rested on her waist and her breathing was rapid, as if she just returned from running miles. But nonetheless, she gave him a bright, beautiful smile when their eyes met.

And then entered Namjoon behind her.

His arm wrapped around her frame assuringly, whilst Jungkook's tongue poked his inner cheek jealously. She gave Namjoon a quick smile, which reached her eyes, and Jungkook's tongue was now replaced by his teeth chewing on his inner cheek.

Namjoon hugged her, before bidding his goodbyes to her and Jungkook, and the younger didn't miss the smirk that played on his face, but decided to let it go.

Inaya was his', he was hers. Lovely.

"Kiss me, noona." She smiled at him, before sauntering towards him with calculated steps. She tip-toed in order to meet his height, and he grabbed her, throwing her limbs around himself.

Their lips crashed in an instant, and he hummed happily before pecking her again.

Sweet, little human, scratch that, bunny. She smiled to herself, circling her arms around him and pulling away from his subjugating lips, that looked more than devourable at that moment.

Her eyes drowned in slumber but still full with affection. Her lips still softer than his. That mole on her right cheek still winking at him every now and then. Her beauty still captured his heart. And he still loved her.

Everything was normal, like always. No murmurs, no problems, no misunderstandings, no queries, no answers, no you, no I.

Just us.



Yolo yolo yolo ya~
Annyeong humans.
If y'all don't know Nestor, then let me give a quick description to y'all.

Nestor, was a Greek warrior famous for great age and wisdom. He is mentioned here as symbolic of seriousness and gravity in general. Even he would prove to be tasteful, ironic to his serious behaviour, much more than Namjoon who just ignored the presence of a whole ass human being, named Jungkook.

Not that I am too much into Shakespeare, but ofcourse he was there, and he still doth.

Be the best of you!

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