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It hurts!
When you realise that the person you have adored your whole life
Was just a facade.


"When will the boy return?" His voice cracked towards the end, as withered as his body.

"He said he'll come back in August, a week before his birthday." Her shrill voice suited the atmosphere of the moment, and the royal walls of the building.

"Father for the last time ― Leave him to himself ― He's old enough to decide his own actions." He was the only one who would support that boy, with every step he would take, with every denial he would argue, with every move he would make.

"There aren't many royals left. And if I have the opportunity to continue our blood, I'd, also, want everyone in my family to do the same." Although he was old, there was enough liveliness in him when it came to 'royalty'.

"Honey, dad is right about it. Jungkook needs to obey our wishes." She found it better and easier to leash her husband. But he wouldn't let her, not this time.

"You should keep quiet-"

"Why? She has every right to talk about the welfare of her son!" The white-haired man got up from his chair and walked near his son.

"So do I! I also have every right to talk about my son. But! Whatever you all are doing won't do any good to him. It'll just bring grief to him." He never realised he had the courage to talk back to his father, but he had to stand for his son.

"You are just being foolish! I feel so ashamed to call you my son. How can you deny your family, your blood?"

"Please, honey, stop this now. Jungkook has always understood us, our rules, he will comply with them just the same way he has done until now."

"How can you claim him as yours-"

"STOP! How can you even say like that? HE IS MY SON. MY VERY OWN SON!" Her outburst didn't come with any warning. He touched the most sensitive part of her without realisation.

"Son, be careful with your words! We have already decided to never bring this up, then why now?" The old man patted his son's shoulder walking away,

" Remember, secrets need to be hidden in Black! "



This is sudden.
Ignoring that, this scene had Jungkook's father, mother and grandfather.

Aside from that 'the two days' that Jungkook had asked Inaya for, will come in the next chapter.

Be the best of you.

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