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"We do not remember days,
We remember moments."

~Cesare Pavese


It was late at night when she returned home. The lights were already switched off. There was no sound in the neighbourhood. Serene and peaceful. The moon shining brightly over the earth and the stars twinkling with joy.

She unlocked the door and walked inside.

He slept.

Inaya went to the kitchen first and grabbed some loaves of bread for herself, applied butter on them and started munching them. She walked over to their room and tried to make less noise. She didn't want to wake him up. She pushed the door inside and stepped in, walking on her tip-toes.

But to her surprise Jungkook wasn't there. "Kook?" She called out for him softly but there wasn't any reply. So she walked out of the room and down the stairs.

He wasn't in kitchen, she remembered, and he wasn't outside. So she quietly walked over to the study room. The room was illuminated and she heard vague music penetrating through the door.

She peeped inside and saw Jungkook scribbling in his notebook, and that's when she realised about his examinations starting the next day.

He was still working, studying. And in all the fuss created by the conference she completely forgot about it. She had promised to stay home, mostly, during his examinations.

Leaving the room and the man untouched and undisturbed she walked with fast steps towards the kitchen. She prepared some coffee for him immediately and walked back to the room.

His head was resting on the table and the song had been changed to something more soothing. She walked inside silently and placed the cup near his books on the table.

"Jungkook?" She shook him softly and he groaned like a baby.

"Babe?" She called out again for him. He smiled softly and pulled her hand, resting his face over it.

"Jungkook-ah... Wake up, are you done studying?" She voiced out sweetly, but for him it wasn't sweet at all. He woke up swiftly and pulled his books, boring into them.

"Here, drink some coffee first. Did you eat?" He nodded to that and went on memorising the lines from his textbook.

"Drink it, then study."



"Go and write my examination." He whined, ruffling his hair, messing around with them.

"Are you prepared?"

"Not really... I mean yeah but I'm not sure."

"Let's focus on what you've prepared properly. Then we can look for the other things and how about you sleep first?"

"I can't sleep. I'm still left with two topics."

"Jeon Jungkook! There must be thirty topics at least and if you'll leave two out of them, nothing great will happen. Better take care of yourself or else I'll throw you out of the window!" She said with a stern voice waiting for him to follow her words, while he just stared at her with a baby face.

"What?" She spoke glancing softly over his soft, widened eyes. She wasn't going to turn from her words here but his eyes were too pretty and sweet and innocent.

Too appealing that she, like always, smiled at him.


He studied for a few hours more and because Inaya insisted on staying awake with him, he didn't stop her. She was sitting on the bean bag in the other corner of the room.

He turned around to glance at the clock, an old fashioned clock because Inaya liked antique things, it read 3:35. And that was in morning. He cursed at himself for staying up for so long, mostly because Inaya was awake with him.

He got up quickly and threw his books away and turned in her direction.

He sighed.
She was asleep.

He walked over to her, pulling the book out of her grasp and kept it aside. He stroked her hair gently and carried her in his arms. Resting her head over his shoulder, he carried her upstairs and laid her carefully on the bed.

Kissing her lips and then her cheeks and then her eyes he wished her a sweet night and laid beside her.


Jungkook had already left for college. She was alone at home, when the doorbell rang.

"Coming~" She chimed from inside as she ran over from kitchen to the door.

When she opened the door she saw a slim guy standing in front of her. He had his hands in the back pockets of his denims. A small smile working over his lips and his eyes shining brightly at her. His white shirt giving him the aura of a prince. He wasn't much taller than her, somewhat smaller than Jungkook. 

"Inaya, it's been a while." His soft, angelic yet devilish voice complimented by his wink made her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Jimin, the pervert. What a surprise!"



Yes. Jimin is the one who'll be entering the story now.

We have two more members by now.
Namjoon and Jimin.

I don't think I'll be bringing all the members in the story but I may or may not. Even idk.

Guys, the cases of Corona virus are increasing rapidly so I'd request you all to please stay at home and encourage the people around you to do so as well. Go in Yoongi mode for a while and distance yourself from society. It's not only better for you but for others as well.

Take care. BTS loves you.


Be the best of you.

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