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"Can't you see?!" Sharp but the heaviest voice she had ever heard, made her turn around to look at the man after stumbling for some quick seconds. He had spoken so loudly that the people near them had to stop and analyse the situation.

"Excuse me? It wasn't wholly me, it was your fault as well. I'm sorry for my fault here but that isn't the way you'll behave." Inaya retaliated at the unknown man who seemed to be dressed too eloquently for his rude behaviour. Namjoon, on the other hand, was bowing to the people on the airport who had gathered but soon enough started walking away.

"Look how these people, who don't realise who I am, spit rubbish." He flicked his hair that were bugging his eye, while speaking to no one in particular, probably the two who were dressed like bodyguards. "Listen here, Miss, this," He pointed at his clothes, his fingers directing up and down, "is something worth you won't even wanna know. And you!" He shouted again. "Just spilled a whole ass bottle of water over it!"

"That-" The rudeness of the man had made her speechless, and also the fact that it was just water. "That will dry off, Sir. And stop acting like an asshole!" She crossed her arms over her chest, looking directly in his eyes, which were at a taller level than her but her heels helped her match the level.

"You," He pointed at himself, "called me an asshole? Me? The most demanded fashion designer- The Kim Taehyung? Watch your tongue before you talk to me." Taehyung visibly looked irritated at the use of the word.

"I don't give a damn who you are, a fashion whatever, that is not the fucking way you'll talk to me! And for you to know, I can easily afford your worth." She scoffed, once again thinking of all the money she made along with her family's reputation still being among the top people in the country.

"As if you've-" Before Taehyung can complete his sentence, one of his bodyguard's interrupted him, murmuring something in his ear. He glared at Inaya, mumbling an evil I'll deal with you later and walked away.

"Afrai-" Namjoon wrapped his palm around her mouth and dragged her out of the scene, spotting the car that was supposed to pick them up in the process and immediately pulled her in with himself.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you fighting?" He hissed in pain, looking at the Royal driver who gave them odd looks but bowed nonetheless.

"Why are you blaming me?" She looked astonished, her palms pushing in her chest as she pointed herself. "That-"

"Okay stop! To the hotel and you'll stay quiet throughout the ride. That," He raised his hands in the air in an alarming manner, "is my order." Huffing out a huge amount of air, he turned forward realising that he was sitting facing her.

And the drive started, along with it Inaya's eyes moved as she kept on cursing Taehyung in her mind.


The first thing that they were supposed to do after reaching Busan was to get Inaya's dress fitted, which had somehow become loose to her.

The midnight blue dress that Jungkook had chosen for her, through a video call as he was already in Busan when she had gone out for shopping alone. The very midnight blue dress that caused a glimmer to rise in Jungkook's eyes as he had murmured something which she couldn't decipher, but she was sure it was some irrelevant thought.

The very midnight blue dress, that had kissed her body perfectly at the time of buying but now was causing a hectic for her. She sighed once more as she stood in the boutique along with Namjoon flattering over her.

"If your boyfriend was here, he'd die because of all this beauty," He sung cheekily and that almost made her blush but the girl fitting the dress pulled a string so forcefully that Inaya almost cursed, whispering a small please be gentle.

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