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Little things


One step ahead, then a pause, another step towards the big mansion and he could already feel his palms sweating.

The big building reminded him of his own house in Busan. A fountain just after the entrance added to the beauty of the white building and he could already sense that the building was itself designed by the Great Hayes, Inaya's grandfather.

Jungkook had admired him, that old man had played an important role in erecting of his own home, when he was ten, and that old man was a great friend of his grandfather. He wondered if the man who used to bring him chocolates every time he visited, still remembered him or not.

"They don't bite!" Inaya was right next to him, supporting him, motivating him to meet her family.

After a long talk, they both have decided that Jungkook would be introducing himself as her friend and he supposed to be at her house at the moment she was about to leave to her actual residence and ended up being invited by her, which he had agreed to. Not much of a lie, he thought, a whole ass of it!

He remembered those 'three points' Inaya had told him on how to behave in front of my family. First, be who you are! Second, they love meeting new people, and you aren't an exception. Third, beware of papa!

"Beware of papa..." He repeated the line to himself, thinking of a grown man with thick beard and a moustache complimenting his rough look, in a three piece suit. Beware.

Walking ahead of him, she let him have his time thinking again if he should continue the journey or not. She'd be more happy if he'd just say 'hello' and try to pretend that he isn't awkward rather than running back like a coward, but again if he did that, she won't stop him.

"Ready?" She looked at him, before knocking thrice on the huge wooden door and then pressing on the doorbell, which didn't sound any less than the terrible noise-polluters.

It took more than a minute for someone to come and open the door, but she was patient about it, as if everyone in her family was lethargic.

"Welc-" A lady in her late forties appeared from the slightly opened door, her eyes widened on noticing the girl standing on the footsteps of the door. "Inaya!" She pulled Inaya in a tight hug, which Jungkook found comforting and adorable. "Happy birthday, baby!"

"And who is this handsome lad with you?" The woman asked before parting away from the girl, giving an appreciative nod to him.

"Right! Mom meet Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, he's my friend and Jungkook she's my mother." Inaya introduced the two, who gave a smile to each other and Jungkook instantly bowed down in respect.

"Step mother." She smiled at her when Inaya made an awfully irritated face, giving her a small side hug and pecking her forehead, the woman led the two inside. Inaya was so grateful to Mia, that she had never been those awful step-mothers that happen to appear in dramas and movies to scare away kids, instead she never discriminated between Inaya and Olivia, she loved both of them equally and Inaya'd say at times she felt that the love was polar, more towards herself.

"Your house is big." Jungkook emphasised on the word, earning a small nod from Inaya before she ran to God knows where.

"Don't be surprised," Her mother patted his arm when his eyes widened on noticing the older run too fast, for the first time in his dear life, "she's just anticipated to meet her grandparents." He nodded to her making a small hum, following behind her.

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