223 21 19

Am I supposed to be afraid?



Chapter 21

Paragraph 1, line 7

She was worried. Jeon had not returned from the grocery store yet, and two hours had already passed. She cursed under her breath, pulling out her phone again and dialled his number.

Please leave a voicemail, not again. She sighed before finally getting up and walking towards the door, grabbing her coat in the process.

She called him for the last time, brushing her fingers over the doorknob. When he didn't pick it up, she cursed at him and pulled open the door at once.

He was standing right there, unbalanced, still trying to grab all the packets without failing. Her eyes glowed instantly, and she ran towards him.

The five brown bags fell out of his hold as she slammed her body with his and wrapped her arms securely around him.

"Two hours, Jeon?!"

The impact had left him speechless and the care in her voice had left him astounded. It didn't matter that the eggs could've broken or the ice-cream had already spilled out of it's container or the vegetables were rolling on the ground or they were stepping on all the edible items. What mattered was her, he couldn't seem to hold her but he didn't want to let her go, his hands hung in air contemplating if they should wrap her or not.

"Explanation?" She said before pulling herself away but he wrapped his arms immediately around her, pulling her close.

It was her who was shocked this time, her eyes had widened immensely and her hands had argued over before wrapping around him; alike but they didn't realise.

"I'm sorry, Seol."
He didn't want to explain, he didn't want to tell her that he almost hit himself with a street lamp because he was thinking about her or that he had helped the old woman cross the road who took several minutes or that there was traffic at the junction because an accident had taken place and he had tried his best to help the injured person, but ran for his life when he got hold of time.

His voice made her feel something. Or maybe it was her name that he had pronounced so sweetly, that she felt the tingles in her stomach. She felt something. Love, was it? She shook her head slightly in order to throw away the thought. Just worry, that's it, she told herself.


She was worried. She looked at him again, "You are... sure?"

"Come on, noona, it happened only once and I'm old enough to pack my things. I was running late, the sole reason I asked for your help!" Jungkook whined, still standing at the door jamb and staring at her.

"And you were going to forget your underwears, yeah cool!" She raised her hands up, shaking her head sideways, before walking past him and into the kitchen. "Come and eat first!"

He nodded to her, following behind her, his eyes still on the ground.

That happened three hours ago and he would've flown by now, far away from Seoul, from her. And she was left behind, sitting on the armchair in her study, sipping on tea every second.

She sighed, then inhaled again. The house felt empty, it didn't feel like home anymore and for the first time she realised how Jungkook would've felt when she flew from one place to another.

It was the first time in three years that they wouldn't be together on his birthday, that she won't bake a cake for him, that they'd not make love whilst playing cards, that she would have to be alone.

But she'd be busy too, and she'd be in Busan too, and they won't meet, not even if they were out for a walk. According to what Jungkook had told her, he lived near the outskirts of Busan while she was supposed to be in the heart of Busan, in the big mansion, the royal building. The royal building her grandfather had played a role in erecting.

Oh, how much she missed her family and wanted to meet them. But going there would be like missing Jungkook more, now that her family had never stopped talking about him. How he was a well-mannered kid; how he was sweet and innocent, she laughed. If only they had known.

And then there'd be Olivia and even her stories about her new playdates. But wasn't it better? She didn't have to worry about a single person, she wouldn't have to care if they are going to cheat on her, she need not remember any of the memories and Inaya, on the other hand, had fallen so deep in love that she didn't realise how important Jungkook had grown to her.

And the horrifying dream, which still lingered in her mind. Her breath hitched when the scenes replayed,

She was running, the whole time, not known from what or where but she kept on running and then she had seen him standing in front of her. His hands were wide open and he had smiled so sweetly at her. She tried to run even faster, but she didn't move, the scenery stayed still, the road under her wasn't inching forward and she felt like she was running on a treadmill. And Jungkook started moving away.

So fast, so swift, that she couldn't get to break free of the threads that had stopped her, although there weren't any. And she had shouted out so loud, calling out for him, to wait, to come to her but he was gone away by that time.

The next thing she remembered was her eyes opening to find Jungkook sitting with worry painted all over his face and she had clung onto him. He was the one she knew, she could lean on. And so she did.

Funny, how she had asked him to promise something so unforeseeable and he had promised her without hesitation, or maybe he hid it? She didn't need to think about it, ofcourse there wasn't any hesitation. Why would there be any?

But he had not reciprocated the three words, she wouldn't complain, but she wanted it. Maybe he was too shocked, or maybe he didn't realise that she had said so, she thought, shrugging off the weird thought.

But what if he'd leave, just like...



Don't... Worry...
This story will end happily.
I just felt like assuring you guys.


And I may take more than a week to update the next chapter, got few tests :(


Be the best of you!

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