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Hide and seek


"PAPA?!" She shouted and closed the door on his face.

"Inaya?" She heard her father questioning her and quickly ran over to Jungkook.

Not that her father was not frank with her or she hid everything from him but she never told him about Jungkook, not even as a friend. She had tried to convince Jungkook to meet her parents as a friend but he denied every time.

Pushing, pulling, jumping, punching... She tried everything to wake that guy up. "JUNGKOOK!!" She whisper yelled.

"Ah noona..." He smiled at her, pulling her closer and making her land on his chest. He hugged her tightly while she kept on hitting his arm.

"Get up and hide!"

"What? Why?" He stared at her confused.

"My dad is here!!"

"Your dad is here? That's good to hea- YOUR DAD IS HERE?!" He pushed her off himself, making her fall with a thud on the ground. She groaned, cursing at him but anyways pushed him off the couch and handed him the clothes she found on the ground. He ran off to one of the rooms and closed the door behind himself, dressing to cover up his naked body.

Pulling on his sweatpants, she chased back to the door and opened it. Hugging her father with delight, she welcomed him inside.

"Why did you shut the door like that?" He asked her, studying her house and then nodding to himself he sat on the couch.

"Uhhhhh..... Because the room was quite dirty. My clothes were thrown here and there... You understand, right?" He nodded to her and then suspiciously gazed around each and every corner of the area visible to him.

"Papa! You never said about coming over."

"Just thought of giving you a surprise. Your sister's on her way here."

"Olaf? When did she come back to Seoul?"

Olaf a.k.a Olivia Hayes. Younger than Inaya by five years. Not her biological sister but they were sisters by heart. After her mother's death her father had married another woman, Olivia was their child. But they never discriminated amongst each other. They loved each other, more than sisters and fought with each other, more than any wrestler out there in the ring.

"Who's the guy?" He got up, walking around and then stopping in front of the photo frames hung on the wall, his hand running over a picture.

"Huh? What g-guy?" She gulped.

"Those aren't your clothes, are they?" He gestured to her clothing, which looked not just oversized for her but extremely oversized.

She looked down at her ownself then at him. She smiled cheekily and then shook her head, just like any child. He laughed at her reaction and then went on staring at that picture.

"I think I did wrong to your mother."

"What?" She walked over to him, standing next to him and staring at her mother's bright face in the portrait, her father painted.

"Don't you think so, Seol?"

Seol, a beautiful name meaning 'snow'. When Inaya was born, her grandparents were unable to meet her as they were settling in South Korea at that moment. But when her father had sent her pictures to them, her grandmother had genuinely said 'Seol' on seeing her face. Since then her family called her by the name Seol.

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