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(Might wanna play the music while reading)

Then while we live, in love let's so persevere, That when we live no more, we may live ever.

~Anne Bradstreet


Winter was finally over and spring had brought it's bloom with it. And so did Inaya bloom, with excitement and energy, with love and warmth, with something new. And then she saw him, still processing what he had heard, his Bambi eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights. And then he finally grinned, his lazy smile charging her morning.

Her eyes blurred once she noticed the bliss on Jungkook's face grow, his smile turned from a lazy grin to a curve that reached his eyes. He couldn't hide the tear escaping his eyes, more like he didn't want to. And then she heard him gasp softly, his soft breaths hitting her cheeks and tingling her.

3 weeks.

"Did you say three weeks?" He questioned again, holding her precious face delicately, as if it was a fragile jewel.

And when she nodded, he couldn't help but feel the butterflies perform acrobatics in him and then leap down and jump up, twirl around and flutter their wings and then finally take over all of his body as he let the gravity and actuality of the moment set in.

She was pregnant.

He pinched the tip of her nose, making her chuckle.

"Stop, Jungkook, I am real."

They'd soon be parents.

He pinched his own cheek making her laugh louder and at that moment he realised again how beautiful it was, her laughter. And he was laughing with her, their happiness filling the room, the house, their entire universe. He wanted to hug her and scoop her in his arms and run an entire marathon with her still in his arms but all he did was look at her again and bring her hands to his face, placing gentle kisses on them.

He laughed again and soon his eyes glimmered with the unshed tears they held in them and he cried, sobbing a great deal of tears in her hands. When his eyes met her she pulled him and kissed him happily, a kiss mixed with tears, mixed with happiness.

She sighed, leaning into his touch, and smiled when he pulled away. His shimmering eyes that held her universe said all that he couldn't, all that he felt. She knew what he was thinking and couldn't help but do the same.

They'd have someone now.

Someone to cherish more than they cherished each other, someone to love to the moon and stars and back and it'd still not be enough- because it was never enough, someone to take care of, someone to hold. And all that because that someone would be them, them together.


The word sparked something in Jungkook as his eyes wandered back to the closet where his wedding suit was kept.

"It feels like bubbles are popping inside me," She chuckled, grabbing his hand tighter in hers. He saw her staring exactly where he was and then her eyes trailed to the gold band resting on her finger that would soon be replaced by their wedding rings. They sparkled and he saw her eyes to be the most beautiful they ever had. Twinkling with love and affection, filled with dreams and hopes, and there he also noticed something else- pride.

She was proud. Of themselves.

And she was happy.

He wondered if he could ever ask for anything more than this. Them and their baby developing in her womb and their small, little world of happiness.

It'll be our new beginning.

He almost hallucinated her say that again, she had said something so strong, and he was drawn back to the day she first confessed her love for him. It was cold, it was snowy, it was lovely and it was also playful but still she had managed to say something so meaningful and he hadn't realised the depth of it.

But now that he could hear her say that again, he realised that it was a new beginning for them.

And just like then, sunrays enhanced her beauty and the warmth of summer surrounded them. What filled him was a feeling of rejuvenation and he inhaled her. Just like lavenders and vanilla and mainly of love.


She hummed, holding him in her embrace.

"Just like a new beginning," He saw her smile, her eyes reflecting back his image and he smiled before clasping her lips with his, "Together," He whispered.




Firstly thankyou to all my readers and supporters. Thankyou for commenting, for voting and even for just reading it.

Even if you've left this book in the middle, I'm thankful that you decided to give it a try.
And the ones who have reached the end of this journey, I can't express my adoration through words.

This was probably the first time I've actually written something I like. This book, although the idea for this book was initially something totally different and the genre would've differed, I love the way it came out.

Also you guys might have wanted an epilogue for Naked, but then look at it this way, that book was never supposed to have an end, the journey is being continued in BLACK.

It is a little bit of everything as I see it. Love and trust- the main components of a relationship, and I tried my level best to portray the two emotions. And I hope I was able to convey them to you all.

Loads of love to you guys and thankyou once again.

Loads of love to you guys and thankyou once again

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Until next time,

Be the best of you!

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