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"The family ties have been broken and the reason remains hidden?"

Jungkook's grandfather read out loud, deliberately turning the pages of the newspaper and sighing, particularly giving some time of condemnation to the question mark.

Early in the morning, what he wanted was a cup of jasmine tea with his usual breakfast and a healthy conversation with his family. Not a broken relationship and a passed out grandson.

"This was not what I wanted." He stated clearly, even though no one was listening to him. "What happened to him?" He referred to Jungkook, the said boy still out of sight.

"He fainted." Hae replied, looking at her mother who just nodded.

"What did you both do?" He asked, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes glared at them.

Silence hit the room again. No one dared to speak and the ones who were obliged to, didn't have any guts.

His eyes showed annoyance, mostly over the fact that his family took a step without considering a discussion with him. That they called the marriage off without asking for his permission. But as it was, he was also a grandfather and he also had softness, so there he was worrying about his grandson.

"I asked something." His eyes stared at the two lowered heads. He waited and soon enough gave up.

"If he has found out the truth... I'll be highly disappointed."

"He... has." Jungkook's father stuttered. He felt guilty, he was the reason why Jungkook had found the truth unexpectedly.

He was sorry and needed some time alone so he walked out of the room. He remembered the moment he had seen Jungkook's eyes, the same big doe eyes were scared once again.

He had been harsh the night before, so rude and harsh to his wife. A terrible husband. He had known that the woman loved her son more than anything, more than herself. Although the situation they had met in was bizarre.

He remembered that day better than anyone else and the memories dawned upon him sequentially. That accident had brought his wife nothing but dire nightmares and disturbances, sleepless nights full of guilt and a deep cut had been formed in her heart when her own baby died. Her miscarriage had led her to depression.

But Jungkook was her cure, her medicine, the only and real remedy that helped her back then and now as well.

Jungkook, oh Jungkook, he was just months old. He couldn't walk, he couldn't talk but his eyes had shown all his emotions. His sweet little Bambi eyes had cried and cried that thunderous night. His actual parents died miserably and he had felt unsafe in the unknown, horrifying atmosphere. He was scared.

But the little boy with Bambi eyes found warmth once she had taken him in her embrace. His eyes had stopped shedding tears, his agitated face had calmed, his red nose had scrunched sweetly and he had held the fabric of her shirt tightly, not letting go.

He had found his home.

As an equally sad and cursed mother, she had found a blessing in him. A small little angel that filled her life with hope and light, with new discoveries and new emotions. Love and compassion rooted in her and the seed of motherhood started to germinate in her broken heart. The roots binded the pieces of her heart together, held it together.

She had found her own piece.

The accident was buried and Jungkook was kept away from everyone. He wouldn't find out anything and he shouldn't, that was the chant of the house. He grew up in a lovely happy atmosphere with a very small amount of people in his life. But he was sent to school under a different name while he lived with his family in Korea. He had never found out the reason as a kid, they always told him that it was for safety purposes.

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