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The moon is always there,
It's just the eyes who couldn't find it
But baby, trust me the truth isn't hidden
Your eyes are just an equal fit!



Chapter 1

Paragraph 3, line 7

The first meet

She would've appreciated it if Jeon had stayed out of her way but the younger lad was nowhere near the thought.

Greatness lied in forgiving, remembering the said line she paced back in her room shutting the door behind her.

It had been just an hour, and she was back to her room. She thought of spending some time outside but a younger boy, probably in his early twenties, had been discovered in her home. Home, where she lived alone, no one to be with just her and her books and of course her laptop. That's what every writer needs. But the sudden appearance of this unnamed guy had her scared.

"Who are you?" She would've shouted that frantically, gaining the attention of neighbours or the guards who weren't there, but by God's grace she had a sore throat. The unnamed guy, dressed in a thick jacket and a bucket hat, much to contrast with the weather, had just been standing there, admiring her as if he saw heaven in his youth without dying.

"I'm Jeon!" Wonderful name and appealing eyes, so appealing that she had almost smiled at him forgetting that he was a stranger who just trespassed her house. "And I'd like to explain myself.." Softness, his voice had her feeling the myths being sung on entering heaven in that heavenly voice of his'.

"Jeon, well go on."

"I... I am a great fan of yours. Not like those who are obsessed but I don't know if you remember me..?"

"Trust me I don't." She shook her head waiting for a response from him. But he remained quiet, letting her words sink in. "If I said... If I was harsh I apologise."

And there was fear in his eyes, not the one you have when you see a dangerous object but the one where you don't want your endeared ones to be wrong."No no no no. You didn't do anything, I just hoped that you remembered me. We met at a book sign event, uhm... A year ago, maybe."

"Oh... Who was it?"


"Ah... I remember going there and bumping into a lot of people. Maybe you are one of them?"

"You can say so. But we even talked."

"Jeon, if you are a fan of me you must be knowing I had trouble the past year. It was all too hectic and I really don't have great memories from the past two years so I am least fascinated to remember any of those. I am grateful that you admire my writing and I am thanking you for it but I'd like you to leave because I want some time for peace and aloneness."

"Uh... I... Yeah, I understand but..." She was already shutting the door, paused to listen to what he had to say. "Can I just stay in here for a while... I really wanted to be inside your house and see how it feels like..."

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