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Chapter 8

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First lecture

Seol had to wake up early at seven. She had several lectures to take care of that day. Talking about lectures, she wasn't the kind to go in front of hundreds of humans and speak out loud whatever she had learnt until now. Reason one, she always wondered if all that she had learnt, and she was going to pass on, was applicable to everyone. Reason two, she was going to get a lot of attention. Reason three, was she even ready for that?

Keeping all those reasonings apart, she thought once again. It wasn't her first lecture, which was not so good to be a memory, but after that every lecture she had given was better than she had ever thought of. Gaining some confidence and some positive energy, she sipped on her coffee, carrying on with her usual morning routine.

Just about to enter the bathroom for a shower, she heard the doorbell ringing and then again it was ringing and then again. She walked with hastened steps, already cursing at the person.
"Hel- What the hell do you want Jeon?"
She glared at him, while he smiled charmingly at her.

"That's not how you should welcome your guests, Noona. Have you never thought about it?" He walked in, plopped on the couch and started rummaging through cushions for remote.

"Guests, that isn't applicable for you. You are no longer a guest, if you come whenever you want and leave, not until you are thrown out, as if this is your own house!"

"Well, alright then. But... Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I have to. And what about your college? You're skipping it today?"

"I was wondering if we could spend some time together, it's been a while."

"I'm not free today. Anyways, feel free to do whatever you want... Except for touching my laptop and entering my bedroom. I'm going to bathe and don't you dare burn my home down." She already walked past him, and into her room, shutting the door loudly.

Several minutes gone, and Jeon couldn't help but walk around the house and eventually end up in kitchen.
He wondered if there was something for him to eat, and then he found a packet of chips. Jumping on the fact that they were his favourite, he walked back to lobby and continued watching TV shows.
"She takes a lot of time bathing!" He spoke to him self munching on five pieces together.

"You said something?" He heard her voice and turned around to look at her.

She was dressed way too formally, as if she was the spokesperson of the nation.
Navy blue pants, beige coloured shirt and her formal sandals, which were heels and made her look tall enough. Her hair left untied but styled properly enough. She wore a watch on her left wrist and an antique bracelet on her right wrist.
And then there was this particular scent surrounding her, he felt addicted to it.



"What is this scent coming from you?" He got up and walked towards her, sniffling the scent in and pleasuring himself.

"That must be my shampoo."
She heard him sniffle her hair from behind, and turned around. "Don't say that you'll keep on sniffing my hair!"

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