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Black engulfed his path and the hallway felt eerie. Every step he took made an uncanny sound. The cold November wind hadn't helped in refraining the sweat beads that had already formed on Jungkook's forehead but still he marched on.

As he neared the study, he heard few muffled voices, precisely his father's and his mother's. They were fighting, yet again, and Jungkook couldn't help but return back to his childhood.

Fights and continuous screaming had surrounded him once again. A small girl, barely of few months, cried in another corner of the big mansion and being the only responsible one left, he had to run and take care of his sister. He'd hear the shouts, the unwanted phrases and threats being thrown at each other as if they were daggers, he felt as if he was the reason behind all that.

That the word 'Jungkook', that the person 'Jungkook' had been the root of all these bizarre fights because his name had never left the subject. The talk started with him and because of him, at least that was what he heard.

And there it was again, the same evil name, that had brought up yet another fight.

But he was just a kid, a kid unknown to the working and logics of that world. The world that was tagged 'Royal'. He hadn't known what wrong he did or what wrong he could do. How would he do anything when all he had to do was stay in his room and not come out until and unless he was ordered to do so. How would he ever do something wrong when he didn't even realise if he was doing anything right. And then he'd been sent away. Away and into an unknown land, a place where nothing belonged to him and neither did he belong to anything. Away from his family, away from his sister.

Tears started forming in his eyes as he remembered that brutal night, when he was tossed into a car and parted away from his home. The last night he spent as a kid with them, as a loving and sweet little kid.

The shattering sound of the glass brought him back to the reality. He looked ahead of himself, small pieces of glass welcomed him splendidly, like a carpet of rose petals. But he tried to be careful enough to not step on one.

"Stop shouting!" He heard his father speak, or more probably shout.

"Why should I? Why do you keep on bringing up that thing? Why do you keep on reminding me that I'm-" A sob stopped her and Jungkook frowned in confusion. He stood outside the study, eavesdropping their argument because a part of him stopped him from leaving that place. It said, perhaps he wasn't the reason behind these fights and he was still their same little boy for whom they'd get anything just like they had promised.

"Jungkook- He-" The same part of him broke when he heard his name. "Jungkook is my child!" His mother screamed and he nodded almost immediately.

"He is not!" And he collapsed on the ground.

"He is not your child."


"He will never be."

That's a lie.

"That's the truth and you cannot deny it!"

No, no, no. That's not possible! I am their child. I- I am... Their own son!

"How dare you?! How can you say that? How- How- You- He is my son. My very own son. I love him, I took care of him, tried my best to protect him and you- How can you say he isn't my son?!"

His head was throbbing, tears wouldn't come to a halt. His mother was right, he was their son and there was no other possibility. Every night, every day of his life, every single second he had considered them to be his parents because there was no one else. Why would there be anyone when he was their son? He remembered them, just them.


"It was for the accident that we lost our child and gained Jungkook."


"It was our fault that we unknowingly killed his parents."


"It was for our guilt that we adopted him."

I am...

"It was for our selfishness that we raised him as per our conditions. Our obsession that we turned him into a puppet that we can contr-" He was cut off.

"No... we didn't do that..." He heard his mother's heavy breaths. His legs pushed him forward but the new weight had pulled him down to the ground.

"And that poor boy had never known anything."

The hallway still felt eerie, but a new feeling crept his guts. He was lonely.

Lonely like a spec of sand in the air, travelling and tossing around in no particular direction. He just flew and flew, away and away, apart and apart and kept on flowing further towards nothing. Like a spec of sand he was mixed, but individual, among billions of other specs that covered him, hid him and stopped him from coming to the surface and he was being pushed further down.

Like a lonely particle of sand in a fake sand castle, he was just there, without any purpose.

He was just there.

"J-jungkook?" His eyes, that had focused in his palms, shifted vigorously in fear and he instantly looked up to see his reflection in his mother's eyes. No, not his, not anymore.

"Jungkook?!" He heard, and soon a man came out, running on the same path as the lady in front of him. The same man that was once his father.

There was fear in their eyes, and ironically Jungkook laughed.

He laughed and laughed until his laughs turned into a sob of grief and pain and he cried until his world was enveloped in black.

By the secrets of black.

Because secrets were bound to be hidden in black.




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