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'Cause darling I'm afraid,
I'll loose you!


Nights, where Jungkook would sweetly wrap his arm around her waist and pull her all the way in his embrace, where he'll cherish her by breathing lowly in her ear, where he'll peck her earlobe whenever she squirmed.

Where she'd giggle so sweetly that he'll feel heavenly, with her scent lingering in the air around him adoringly pleasuring his nose. Where there'd be no ends to their wilderness, where there'd be no ends to their tenderness.

Where there'd be just love and desire, just touch and words, just her and him.

And they'll fall asleep, with their breaths being the only audible sound in the room as the insects chirped in the garden, singing in elation addressing their song to the beautiful moon.

And the night will pass slowly, letting the happiness stimulate in the surroundings like specs of gold flickering in an open field lighting up the dark. Beautiful.

She cried out, inaudible for herself. She cried out again, pushing against his body and colliding in him. His body jolted immediately, waking up at the instant force, looking around to find anything, but nothing. And then he turned to look next to him.

Inaya looked troubled, as if she was having a nightmare and her breath was hitching badly. He could notice the moisture brimming at her lower eyelid and she jerked again, mumbling something he couldn't decipher.

He panicked, for the foreign impulse worried him. He pulled away the sheets, noticing her sweating profusely and pulled her head in his lap, attempting to wake her up.


She mumbled again, worrying him more and he started shaking her body with care.


She cried out once before opening her eyes in an instant and clinging onto him. "Don't go away, don't go away, don't go away, stay here with me, please, I'll do anything. Just don't go away-"

"I'm here, I'm here, calm down," He murmured, petting her hair with every care he could gather, his arm securely wrapped around her body. He whispered the same words till he felt satisfied.

"Jungkook-ah... Don't go away, please..." She mumbled again, her voice broke and he felt a pungent pain slice his heart into million calculated pieces.

"I won't, noona. Stop... Take deep breaths, with me," He pulled away, causing her to cry again and slam against his chest.

"No, promise me, you'll never go away." He could feel her first tear surface on his bare chest and he sighed loudly, bringing her face infront of his own.

"I will never," He breathed out, pulling her face carefully, the delicacy scaring him, and kissed her softly. Her red eyes immediately closed and he heard her heave a breath before kissing him back, just as delicately.

"I love you, Jungkook. Please don't leave me, ever!" She sighed, resting her head on his chest, as he laid over the mattress looking into the void, unable to return the words.


"I messed up," He murmured to no one, "AGAIN!" His shout echoed back through the walls of the bathroom, fortunately Inaya wasn't home. And he can shout out his pain without worrying her.

As he sat on the cold floor, he tried to process all the events that took place last night.

How he had foolishly promised her again. How he had acted sensitive again. How he had heard his heart again and forgot to think before speaking anything. How he had acted like her knight in the shining armour again. And how the shining knight would be the one to stab her in the end.

His Damsel in distress to be happy was all he wanted, but poor him; he was the one she wanted to be happy with. And how can he do everything? How can he meet her expectations while he was being pushed to do something else?

The realisation hit him, August had already started and he'd have to leave soon. How will he explain, more like how will he meet her eyes? Eyes that show pure innocence and love and all that just for him.

He'd see her breaking sooner or later and he wasn't ready for any! He wanted to run away, away from his family, away from everything and settle with Inaya in the most secretive place of the world, in the black. She was his tiny little secret that he wanted to secure.

But if only he could...

His phone vibrated in the back pocket of jeans, bringing him out of his thoughts.


He cursed under his breath, waiting for the call to hang on it's own. He didn't want to talk to Inaya, at least not when he was in this condition. She'll be caring again, she'll be affectionate again, she'll pick him up again without knowing that she cannot hold all the pieces.

She'd kiss him again, she'd make love to him again, she'd talk to him again, she'd look at him again, and he'll want all of it.

All of it.



People, be ready, the main phase of the story is arriving and everything will seem to be so wrong, what Jungkook will do and blah blah whatever... That was enough of a spoiler.

Be the best of you!

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