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I want to wear his initial
On a chain round my neck, chain round my neck
Not because he owns me
But 'cause he really knows me

Call It What You Want
~Taylor Swift



Chapter 17

Paragraph 1, line 1

She'd lie if she said he didn't make her feel good, feel happy. Even after knowing all that, he loved her. He didn't say it but he did show it.

Everytime she pronounced his name, there was a glimmer in his eyes. Whenever her hands brushed with his, there'd be a tint of pink climbing up his neck. Everytime her eyes settled on his, she witnessed adoration.

Everytime he heard her voice, he fell in love deeper. Whenever their hands brushed he felt electrical impulses run through his veins. Everytime he looked up at her, he only saw himself.

Everytime with her, he bloomed, shining in the light like a blossoming lilac lily.

And she progressed, ofcourse she did, even if she didn't love him back, she needed him. She said that when she was sad and he couldn't help but realise her vulnerability and that he was one of those fewer people who witnessed that.

Her smiles, her laughs, her pains, her sulkiness, her obduracy, her affection, her worry, her glimmer; he loved them all.

He wanted them all, just for himself. It didn't matter if he was being selfish, Jeon wanted all of it without any sharing. He wanted her to be in his arms, to be in his heart with the very same feelings arising from her. But he was also known to the situation, that he had to gain it all.

That he had to walk with her before they start running.


"Good morning." He smiled, pulling her over his body and snuggling in her.

She replied back but it came out muffled, she was busy sucking on his chest. He giggled when her fingers travelled up and down his chest. Hugging her tighter, he laid her on her back and hovered over her. Pecking her lips every once before calling her 'beautiful'.

Her hands were about to tug on his hair when the doorbell rang and they both groaned together, chuckling later on.

"I'll see it, you go and brush." He cooed in her ears before biting on them and leaving her behind like a red tomato.

She quickly got up, ran inside the bathroom, did her usual routine and ran out to greet whosoever had just rung the doorbell. None other but Olivia.

"I got a huge asssssssss project and you know the best part I'll be working with my Boss for the first time in my fucking career!" She jumped up and down, causing Jungkook to be jerked with her, who was having her palms in his.

"INA!!" She shouted again, this time running towards her sister and pulling her in a hug. "You heard, right?" She squeaked in her ears, earning a smack on her head but caring the least.

Inaya was confused as to why her sister was acting so weirdly about working with her Boss as if she wasn't the best in her work, alright almost close to best. But there was no reason for her to be this excited.

"What is the deal exactly about?" Inaya pulled away from her sister, narrowing her eyes.

"The deal is," Olivia looked at Jungkook and smiled before cupping her sister's ears and whispering "he's hot." Inaya chuckled at her sister's drama, smacking her again before walking to the kitchen.

"What will you both eat?" She asked and they both nodded their head in unison, not lessening her confusion but at least telling her that they were hungry. She carried on with the simplest she could think of as Jungkook walked away to the restroom, she assumed.

"Your boyfriend looks happy." Olivia sat behind her sister, playing with the fruits kept in the basket.

"He does, right? He's been too happy these days." She replied back, chopping the vegetables cleanly and precisely.

"What's up with him? Seems like an illusion to me!" Olivia threw her hands in the air, resting them back on the table.

"Not an illusion, my baby's everything I can ask for in a daydream." Inaya smiled to herself before plopping next to her sister and hugging her. "Aww, I missed you!" She snuggled more in her, like a koala.

Olivia grimaced but gave up soon and hugged her sister back and she rubbed her cheek with Inaya's while making a purring sound. Inaya giggled at her weird action, but continued to do the same with her.

"It's time we revel in the love of life!" They both whipped their heads towards the only expected but unexpected person, smiling ever so lovingly at them. "Sister's love is something I'll never understand." He smiled at them, before joining the small hug with the girls.

"You both should probably shower, you both stink." Jungkook wrapped his arms even more tightly around them, making Olivia grimace as she tried to pull herself out of the human burrito they were trying to make.

"Aww, Orlando don't worry, you can borrow clothes from you sister."

"OLIVIA, IT IS!" She shouted back, making both, Jungkook and Inaya, giggle at her childish behaviour.

"Yes, Orlando." He snickered devilishly.

"I'll kill you!"


"For the last time, O-L-I-V-I-A!" Surprisingly, it wasn't Jungkook's fault this time, but her colleague she was on a call with. She sighed before throwing her phone on the bed carefully, and jumping between the two.

They cursed at her, which made her grin, and she pulled the bowl of popcorn in her hands. "Best feeling ever!" She chimed to herself, removing the movie from pause for the fifth time.

"Wait! Switch off you phone first, I won't let you pause the movie again." Inaya grabbed her phone and tossed it over to Olivia, who groaned when the phone landed on her head, but did what she was asked to.

Was it the hours that passed slowly or was it the movie that was dragging along more than needed? He couldn't tell. But he, for sure, could make out Inaya's hand rubbing over his thigh in an erotic way. He cleared his throat before looking over at her, but noticed a sleeping Olivia first, who was nonchalantly drooling in her sleep.

"Hungry?" Inaya asked in a husked tone, smiling with the innocence of a deer.

"Always." He smirked, pulling her out of the room with him.



Hello my alien (I'd rather aliens)
How are y'all?

It's been more than two chapters and no-one reminded me I didn't write Naked!?!

Be the best of you!

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