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Inaya entered the lavish restaurant, with Jungkook by her side. His examinations were done and he craved for some good food, so she brought him here.

The place was mostly empty. Wonderfully designed, detailed. He liked the aesthetic touch in the walls. The creamy colour of the walls making him feel warm and cozy. Furniture was pure wood, and he liked the way it smelled of forests. Lovely. And then he realised that they were walking towards the kitchen.



"Are we here to cook or eat?"

"Eat, importantly, because you want to! But we can cook as well, Kook." She patted his head and then walked further into the kitchen. Truly a master kitchen. There were a few who bowed to her, on noticing her presence, and she replied back.

"They know you?" Jungkook whispered in her ears making her smile and nod in response. "How?"

"JIN!" She ran towards the man, hugging him tightly. Jungkook felt her warmth disappear, his tongue involuntarily poking his inner cheek. Did he feel jealous? No. Not just jealous, but a lot more, something he couldn't decipher in words.

"Inaya! How come you are here? And who's this guy with you?" Jungkook felt few gazes on him, making him feel small but nonetheless he kept his chin high.

"Oh, Jin he is Jungkook my bo- MY FRIEND and Jungkook, if you remember I told you about my chef friend...?"

"Yeah, I do." Jungkook smiled at her and then turned to look at the guy with a poker face, his expression changing almost instantly.

"Jungkook? Nice to meet you." Jin extended his hand for a shake. "Now that you are here, you need to listen to this freshly baked joke! How do you make holy water?" He willingly stared at Jungkook.

"No? Ofcourse you boil the hell out of it!" He started laughing weirdly, according to Jungkook something like the noise a wiper made, while Inaya just shook her head.

"Nice to meet you, too." Jungkook shook hands with him and smiled softly at him. "You're a chef here?"

"I own this place!"


The sun was setting, the warmth of spring hitting the leaves and giving a glow to them. They walked out of the restaurant, waving a goodbye to Jin.

Jungkook, at first, thought of threat when he met Jin but he found Jin to be a great company. He was a lot older than Jungkook had thought, already married and a father of one child. That, Jungkook wished, smiling to himself, to be his life one day. No worries, no lies, just him and his family.

My family....

"Jungkook?" Inaya peeked from inside the car. "Wanna get in or not?" He nodded merrily, hopping in and hugging her.

"What is going on with you?" She asked hugging him back and laughing at his childishness.

"Nothing, I was just happy... Thinking about something."


"If we ever-" It struck him, he shouldn't say it, not now, not ever. Not until he is sure about it. Not until he is ready.

"If we ever?"

No, he won't. He won't give her any false hope when there was no light in his own world.

"If we ever... Ummm... If we ever try making love in car." He giggled when she pushed him away from herself.

"Seriously, Jungkook? That, like THAT, was what you were smiling about?"

"Well, you only said that I should fantasize, it'll make me better in writing." He said, moving his body close to hers.

"Stay. There. I asked you to, but not in this manner!" She said maintaining distance between herself and him.

"I like it better this way. You moaning in my ea-"

"STOP!!!! Listen here you young man, keep your horny self to you in MY car. And don't you dare bring your imaginations out from the border of our home! Got it?"

He shook his head no, making her pull her hair. "Yeah got it! Don't pull your hair." He laughed out, kissing her cheek when she started the engine.

"Off to home, then!"



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