217 19 47

I wish I could fly to you
Like a butterfly


785 missed calls. 1172 messages.

Her phone screen shone brightly on her face as the dark room took away all the other sources of light. Five days passed by, though nothing much happened.

She realised that this second heartbreak would last longer than the first one, even if her poor heart was used to it now. Maybe, she thought, her first love didn't prove to be as strong as this one and that somehow would answer why her heart was aching ten times more.

The past five days were spent in lethargy. As soon as Yoongi dropped her to the address she'd given him, she didn't bother waving him a goodbye and walked like a completely broken person into the house. Next she remembered was calling her family to tell them she was safe and back in town. When they'd ask her about her whereabouts she declined meeting any of them and asked for some peaceful time alone. Namjoon didn't bother her at all, to her likeness, but updated her on everything going around her.

She remembered leaving this room the day before yesterday and mused over how she was becoming more lazy as days passed by. Her stomach didn't growl as it used to do every few hours. Her lack of communal contacts made her relieved but bored. She didn't have anything else to do than staring at her phone for hours and munching on whatever food she got.

"For the last time, Inaya, if you don't open this door now, I'll fucking break it!" She heard the man roar and probably lunge at the door once in attempts to take it down, but to no avail because wide shoulders wouldn't give you the strength to break a door, she snorted.

Half heartedly she got up on her toes, missed her flip flops behind and sauntered over to the door, opening it just enough to peek outside. There she saw a man older than her, with his son standing beside him, and fury dawned on his face.

"What was the time when you ate last, huh?" His demanding tone made her roll her eyes in annoyance before she walked back inside, leaving the door open for him to enter. His three year old son waddled along with him and quickly ran over to Inaya, when he saw her plop down on the bed. He cuddled with her arm making her smile at his actions, softly and genuinely.

"Lunch, yesterday." She mumbled, staring at the boy lovingly before pulling him on her stomach and hugging him with all the affection, covering his form like a mama bear.

"And it's time for today's dinner. Mind eating something so that your poor stomach can stop grumbling every fifteen minutes?" The man softened his voice but spoke with the same firmness.

"I'm not hungry." She shrugged, playing with the soft locks of the small teddy bear like baby lying over her stomach.


"Jin, I'm not hungry." She spoke again, confirming her words with a nod.

"No! That's not how it goes. Just because that guy broke your heart you'll stop eating? Are you nuts? Where's the same Inaya who'd eat a whole combo pack without even sharing a single spoon?" He stared intently at her, waiting for her to reply but she didn't. Rather she just stared at him like a lost puppy with big shimmering eyes.

"He didn't break my heart," She murmured softly, tears threatening to fall off her eyes. "he left it destroyed." Once completed, her eyes didn't help in containing her emotions inside and spilled over a bay of tears, that quietly slid down her cheeks.

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