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When i saw you
I fell in love
And you smiled
Because you knew

~Arrigo Boito



Chapter 35

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Snow surrounded her, reflecting back the light of the freshly arising sun that grew brighter and brighter unlike yesterday's storm. The blue and white, and the reflecting yellow of the snow called her to jump in it and move her limbs rhythmically to form snow angels and roll over until she was rounded in the form of a snowman herself.

What kept her from doing that was a hand holding hers tightly. Although cold, she could sense the perspiration, the indirect nervousness or probably too much enthrallment.

She looked up to find two chocolate coloured eyes staring back at her, expanded to their widest and a small pout asked her to kiss it. For a second she believed she saw him lean down, but the next he was running away with a mischievous smile and playfulness written on his face.

She heard him squeal something. "Duck...?" She asked back, wondering where she could find ducks here. She turned around to look but found nothing. When she faced him to question if she had heard him right, she saw what she feared.

She saw him unload armfuls of snowballs in her direction and finally the meaning of the word duck clicked her. But before she could even run or duck as the other had shouted, the snowballs rained on her, landing near her and luckily not on her.

"Not so easy!" She screamed back, grabbing a handful of snow and gathering it into a ball as fast as she could, charging it in his direction. She threw another that hit him hard in the chest and he doubled over dramatically, making her giggle.

"That hurt!" He yelled, glaring at her whilst she just shrugged trying to muffle her laughter, throwing another one that landed on his shoulder, not as hard.

He replied her with one of his own that he had gathered while bending down, and another that she wouldn't have noticed had she not kept track of the first. She almost cursed, being hit by the next one on her arm.

"Sorry!" He screeched even before she could say anything, and she could swear she heard a tint of teasing in that. He threw another, hitting her on her shoe, the size of the snowballs slowly increasing and almost turning into chunks.

He raised his hands up in surrender, giving his signature bunny smile to her and she giggled herself. Bambi eyes met brown ones and for a second he'd say he felt the world stop. Her eyes widened in realisation as she took in a sharp breath only to be left breathless by the man she had been pushing away for the longest she could remember. And she believed she saw him smile, as if he could read what she had just thought.

The moment alone had left him baffled and starstruck. It was then he noticed her reddened cheeks and shimmering lips. He saw small flakes of snow tangled in her messy hair that fell away when she shook her head violently.

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