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(idkanymore, but mature yeah, grab some holy water)

Sex cannot be for pleasure only, it depicts love, too, but if only you find someone worth it. Worth your consent, worth your love, worth your comfort. But was it the only definition of love? No, not at all. Cuddling can be defined as a much more better form of expressed love.

Just the way Inaya and Jungkook were cuddling each other. Sex? That was long gone, as soon as Jungkook had tried to get her naked, he felt a sudden pain roam over his body and he fell on her, giving up. She had joked , "All the lust gone?" And he couldn't help but simply nod, engulfing her small frame in his large one.

Since it was enervating for him to fuck the shit out of her, he tried to make it more romantic and not-so-wild by just placing small kisses on her neck until she slept.

"Good morning," Jungkook kissed her cheek thrice, making her giggle at those soft motions.

"Get ready!" He pulled away from her and she pouted as if the warmth had been sucked away from her.

"What for?


He was still tapping his foot on the the tiles beneath him. They both were sitting in a remote library on the outskirts of Seoul. Why were they there? Jungkook had no answer to that, but this place was special for him.

When he had entered Seoul, a few years ago, he still remembered that day vividly, he was so tired. Tired of being someone special, someone important, who didn't even want any of that, so tired that he just wanted to get away from his thoughts and he had ended up in this library.

It would be normal for anyone, but not for him, it was the same library where he had found Inaya, after a long interval of living in Seoul, her name engraved in her debut novel and he was so much in love with her appearance that he had wanted to meet her and thus, he ended up finding her and soon enough he was there, in her backyard.

And she was still reading, he realized, through all that time he had wandered off to his memories she was still reading, sitting across to him.

"Noona, I said that you don't have to do any work!


"Reading a book is also work, MENTAL WORK!!" He whined, gaining weird looks from a not so considerate receptionist and the rest mentally non existent, yet physically existent, three people, who he had just imagined to be giving attention to him.


And that was the cue for him to pull that book out of her hands. "Stop. Reading." He whispered.

Not surprised by his action, she simply glared at him and walked away into the alley between those several book shelves. She'd wished she had a polaroid camera at the moment, and she would click several pictures of that calm place, aesthetic.

And when she finally thought of stopping, she realized she was into the deepest part of that library. She paused for a moment, turning to look towards her sides, when she found no one there, she shrugged and started searching for a book she'd like to read.

She was still busy searching for the book, not realising that a frame slipped behind her and stared at her. 'Bloo-' he was reading the title but she kept it back. She pulled out another book, but then it was pushed back in the rack. Once again and again. He wondered if she really didn't notice him standing behind her or was it just her ignoring him?

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