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"You're drunk!" She slapped his arm, giggling herself.

"I am, definitely." He laughed with her, pulling her close to himself and burying his nose in her neck. "It hurt."

"What did, babe?" Her voice was concerned, as usual, but the tipsiness of liquor and her alcoholic breath made him smile.

"I met my parents today."

"Isn't that good?" Her fingers traced along his earlobe, as she straddled his legs, sitting comfortably. She swore, she wouldn't drink again, but she couldn't help. Jungkook was sad, she was mad. He was sad for some reason, unknown to her and she was mad because the meeting she had a few hours ago was more like, women-are-better-in-home than please-give-a-speech-for-my-child.

Interesting. She had wondered the lady to be modern and up-to-date kind of person but she was more into handling a house and popping out children as and when her husband wished. Once familiar with the woman herself, Inaya expected the man to be a dominant. Dominant with words, dominant with demands, dominant at home. But to her surprise, he was not. Infact, the word dominant would be too harsh to describe him.

She smiled, remembering the concern that filled his eyes whenever they talked about their son. Their son, the unknown, unnamed prince, whom they had spoke so highly of that she couldn't help but think about all the Barbie movies she'd ever watched.

Eww. Not that she didn't like Barbie, she loved her, but then she remembered how every movie had a villain mother or step-sister or some out of the blue human who had some kind of relation with Barbie and her family. Wow. The poor prince of Busan. She snickered before glancing at the boy who was busy squirming, his face pushed in her chest.

"Noona?" She smiled at him when his eyes met hers and then she stared at them. "Kiss me."

Her heart came to hault, and she was thrown back to the time when they first kissed. Fucking same position. Her breath wavered but, nonetheless, she leaned in to kiss him.

His eyes closed immediately as he felt her flesh brush along his cheek and eventually move along his lips. He felt liquor, he felt spices, but along with that there was some different sweetness that he couldn't decipher.

Her fingers locked in his hair and tugged on them, making him whisper out her name and she couldn't describe the luscious feeling. Addicting, raw, sexy. Her eyes stared at his closed ones and she felt his teeth nibble on her lower lip, followed by his tongue being thrusted in her mouth.

His hands pushed through her shirt, lingering over her bare stomach and he wouldn't lie, he could feel her skin shiver under his touch. He felt relished, his touch could do that to her and he completely forgot about that.

Their tongues still fought amongst each other as she tugged on his hair again, making him moan. "Kook-ah?" She pulled away from his tempting lips, her gaze still fixed on them.

"What?" He pulled his hand out of her shirt, grabbed her and made her sit next to him. She purred under his soft touch that lingered over her face.

"What happened? You're not happy about meeting your parents?"

"I am. They just... kind of... annoyed me."

She hummed back to him as she fell on the mattress. What more can she ask if he didn't want to tell her? Or what can she do about it? She smirked, knowing she can force it out of him but she didn't want to. It was him who had to do that, otherwise it'll remain buried.

"Sleep then, you'll be tired. I am too."


The following week was usual, but silent. No useless talks, no joking around, no lovey-dovey shit, no sex, and he missed her. He didn't realise what was his fault, heck he didn't even know if he had done anything. Because to all the extent he could remember, they had kissed and he fell asleep.

He didn't blame her, she was too busy. Meetings with publisher, shooting of an advertisement and her extra time, that she had to waste, was spent in the house of a lovely fashion designer, who Namjoon had chosen for making Inaya's dress that she'd be wearing on the awards.

Awards. He smiled proudly, awaiting the day more than she would. Hoping for her to win in her category. That's what he was supposed to do, and he did. But he was bugged, July and then August and then he had to return back to his house.

House, where everyone would be oh so lovely on the outside but not so happy from inside. He sighed, thinking of meeting his family again, but except for one, he'd be meeting his sister. His lovely sister. He smiled thinking about her. He couldn't help but pull out his phone and stare at the screen, Hae.

Jeon Hae. He smiled at her, looking at her picture.

"Beautiful, who is she?" He almost jumped at Inaya's voice. She wasn't there a minute ago!

"Noona! When did you come?" He looked at her frantically, his hand still resting over his heart ever so dramatically.

"That didn't answer my question, Jungkook." He breathed out, defeatedly, at her stubbornness. He pulled her to sit on his lap as his fingers ran through her hair.

"Hae, Jeon Hae, she's my sister." Inaya didn't say anything but grabbed his phone almost immediately and adored his sister.

"You never-" She was about to complain that he hadn't told her about his sister, but then she remembered he hadn't told her about anyone, any of his family members. "Jungkook, she is ethereal." She smiled at him brightly, wrapping her arm around his neck.

"She must've grown to be more beautiful, she'd be seventeen along with me."

"Same birthdays?" Inaya clapped happily, eyes wide with joy.

"Yeah, different years." He smiled, giving her a playful peck on her lips. Oh how much I missed you like this, he grabbed her face in his hands, resting his forehead on hers.

"I love you, noona!"



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