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Chapter 24

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Snow had started to increase it's volume as days passed by and Seol had no idea about what was happening around her. For the past few days or weeks or months, she hadn't counted, she couldn't help but think about Jeon. And his melodious voice saying all those beautiful words to her.

She was happy to know how he felt and how geniune his feelings felt. Poor boy had been unbeknownst to her listening to him attentively that night and in hopes of not making it awkward, she did not bring that topic up again.

Last she had spent some time with him was a week ago. She missed him like crazy, but had no courage to call him over. For she had not known what was the reason behind her nervousness. She felt a weird happiness whenever she looked at him. Him, his smile, his eyes. A weird urge to stay near him as much as she could. A weird desire to have his hands touch her hair more often than they do. A weird fascination when he sniffed her hair like a small pup, as if smelling food. A weird need to keep him with her. And that was unusual, she believed. Because she had known what happened the last time she felt that.

The feeling was pure and happy but the consequences had left her shattered. But she was trying; to come up and feel those emotions again, to let all her feelings strangle her in a dubious contemplation as to what made her feel like that, to let her lips pucker out in wants of being kissed, to let her guard down once again and just feel the warmth of the beautiful feeling called love.

Love. She thought. Love had several synonyms; affection, fondness, adoration, ardour, compassion, solicitude and what not; but none of them stood as strong as love, could never. For her, they were just mere synonyms which tried to convey the feeling of likeness at different levels but love, oh love, was what she wanted. A sensible yet sensitive feeling of loyalty. Somewhere where she is obliged to take care of her partner and share the mutual feeling, where she has a responsibility of never letting the trust between them break or even waver, where she gets these reminders of being loved, where she reminds her love that she would be there, sad or happy, she would always.

That she'll follow like a shadow and protect like an armour did. The shadow never separated from the lover and the armour, the shiny strong armour, doing all it's best to protect and secure what was beneath it.

Like the sun and moon, even if they couldn't be one, they moved in a fixed cycle, a never ending cycle. And when they met, the world would be jealous of them, their beauty, and envious that they could never look at the shining diamond ring directly. The world would want to conquer and learn but if they ever tried to reach, they'd burn. Burn because they might not be as pure as that bond, as that longing of being together, as that grief of being pulled apart. And the love and want would never leave, for the cycle would never stop and go on and on and on, meeting to form those rings of fire, of purity, and continue to be pulled apart only to come back and kiss in a way this world could never imagine.

And Jeon made her feel that, a longing, a sensitive yet huge amount of passion, an extravagant feeling of loyalty.

And she'd do anything to get that.
Even if that meant getting rid of her insecurities, slowly but definitely, and she had made it sure, she'd do that.

A sweet glimmer sparkled in her eyes and she felt a new confidence spark in her again. And when she heard the doorbell ring, she rather marched over to the door only to find her confidence melt in a puddle of just some tangled mess of emotions.

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