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I might be the writer
But you'll always be the words

~Ben Maxfield


The appetizing, flavoursome aroma of the spices along with a beautiful background music had finally pushed her to get off her bed and make some movements towards the kitchen. While moving past the clock she noticed it was eight in the morning and the fact Jungkook could wake up so early seemed disbelieving to her, until she realised,

Jungkook isn't staying with me...

Bothered by the truth, she quickly peeked inside, sighing a breath of relief when she noticed the very familiar back of the very muscular man. She quietly tiptoed to the island table and pulled herself over the wooden furniture to sit and stare at the person who was unknown to her presence.

She saw him move smoothly as his lips murmured along with whatever song it was. The regular pitter-patter of the knife tapping on the wood somehow satisfied her until her eyes shifted from the back of his head to his back.

Her breath quivered and she almost cursed. The thin fabric of his shirt allowing her to see the movements that his back muscles made as they flexed and relaxed. Further down, she realised he had been moving his hips all the while, faintly bouncing on his either legs along the beats.

For a second she forgot he could dance. And for a second she forgot that she was shamelessly staring at his butt.

"Cute..." She whispered to herself, but not so quietly.

He quickly turned around, his soul almost jumping out of his body when he noticed Inaya sitting on the table with her legs crossed sexily and staring down at his...

"Noona." He screeched, realising she had been staring at his butt which had changed to something else now. But her eyes had never wavered.

"Noona!" He whined, grabbing her attention and she smiled at him.

A smile that looked like a nasty smirk to him.

"Good morning, Kook." She spoke, her legs dangling in a playful manner.

He turned away, sighing at her unexpected behaviour, and continued his work. Only to wonder, "How long have you been here?" He turned around again.

"Long enough to see your cute butt sway." She winked and he almost choked.

Is she flirting?!

She saw the red creep up his neck and the already crimson ears pleased her before she pulled out her hands for him to take. He did so, walking nearer to her. When steps away he recognised her beauty.

To random eyes she may look like any other person who had just woken up with wrinkled clothes and unruly hair. But to him she looked like an angel, with natural pink lips that offered him to devour them and hazy clouds of laziness mingled with drops of lust in her eyes. And then she inhaled sharply.

Their bodies almost crushed together, and she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer. Her hands reflexively tied around his neck and she looked up in his eyes, searching for the emotion she had felt for the last few minutes.

She wasn't disappointed.

She saw the desire grow in his eyes as his breathing hastened. She saw his lips part away to give out a shaky breath that brushed her cheeks. The pinkness of his lips called her to touch it, to feel it, to kiss it. The quick glance he gave to her lips excited her more and she fastened her hands around him, pulling his head near hers. She looked at him with hooded eyes. He heard her inhale and exhale as he focused on her lips. Deliberately, his hand reached out to caress her face, his thumb tracing along her lips.

The next moment, it was replaced with his own pair.

Her lips tasted of lechery and he drank her in desperation, recognising the same sweetness of her mouth. His hands travelled into her hair and he shuddered when she moaned. Another moan left her when his tongue dipped inside her mouth, leaving him unsteady.

He hadn't noticed when her hands had unlocked and fiddled under his shirt, now tracing along his sides upwards. Her  hands roamed over his chest, down his abs and she intentionally dug her nails while doing so, eliciting a moan from him.

His movements ceased.

They shouldn't be doing this, not yet. Had she even realised what she was doing, he wondered. He pulled away from her, leaving her breathless. He took a few steps back. She stared at his wide eyes in confusion, his mouth still apart and tempting that her fingers gently brushed his skin.

"What is it?" She questioned, getting off of the table.

"I- We shouldn't be doing this, Inaya." He said, focusing back on the ignored food.

"I know." She mumbled and he nodded.

"But I want you." She demanded, pushing him a little and pestering kisses down his exposed neck.

"I want you, too..." He whimpered, pulling her away. "But we can't."


"Because I don't want to dishonour you. It took us long enough to come here and I don't want you to feel remorse after we do something that might hurt you..."

She sighed, frustration and lust still evident on her face but she backed away. She agreed with him, but then she also wanted to touch him, to feel him, to kiss him because the torment wasn't just for him, piece by piece she was also drowning in her own hard decisions.

Seeing him trying to cope with them and convince her in his side made him look so much more attractive, or better sexy. She felt the need to kiss him again for what he had just done and tell him that he was the best human she'd ever meet but then she looked at his now turned back.

He didn't try taking advantage of the moment and he respected her. He thought of what she would feel - regret. And he was right, she'd ponder over that one wrong move they would have made and keep on overthinking, eventually blaming someone and distancing them again. And he would have never wanted that, because if she hurted on one end, he hurted more.

Still he was worried about her. Because he loved her.

And love had taught her to think of him before herself.

"Jungkook?" She called and he turned around.

"Thank you," I love you. She excused herself and left the room.



It is just two chapters more.

Oh you don't know how i feel

Be the best of you!

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