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Stranger eyes
Useless sights
You look good in those tights...


"Inaya, it's your fifth book!"

"True, five books in three years, a big deal." She smiled at the reporter.

"You travelled back to Korea for the first book signing event."

"Yeah. I thought of being in my land."

"But you belong to America, more precisely America and India, India being your birth country."

"Yes I do, being an American-Indian, I do. But most of my life was lived in South Korea."

"Your life is an interesting topic nowadays."

"I read those articles on me. Fascinating. The news reporter had really searched a lot upon me."

"So, why don't you tell us about the 'big question mark'."

"I didn't know about me having a boyfriend! It was so shocking to know that I had one!"

"Do you disagree with the article?"

"Of course! I have never been in a relationship and I'm not planning to be in one, at the moment."

"How about you tell us your ideal type?"

"I don't know myself. Whenever it comes to what kind of man I want.... It is a blank page in my brain."

"Please introduce your novel to us."

"It is a sweet romantic story of two humans belonging to different nationalities, different regions of the world. A small encounter and there is something new they are facing. New feelings, new thoughts, new interests."

"Isn't this a general topic?"

"I agree with your words sir but, I have tried to be really elaborative about the insecurities the partners face, the sacrifice made by them, the pain they hide, which isn't really shown in every book. I hope it is a 'hit the spot' novel."

"You don't usually write about romance."

"True. It is a difficult thing to portray, but in the past year I have been analysing all the couples around me and I acknowledge them. They showed me a small preview of true relations. The hardships."

"We would wish you luck for your new novel, Naked, it's a bold topic."

"I hope it's liked by my readers and thank-you for interviewing me." She left the room filled with reporters and fans.

Inaya Hayes. Announced as extremely successful youngest writer of the decade. With more than 5 million copies sold out within weeks of her debut novel.

Born in India. She spent her time there with her mother but when, unfortunately, her mother died in an accident, her father brought her to America, his native land.

Her sixth birthday was celebrated in America. When she entered her teenage years she was flown to South Korea. With her father and grandparents she lived a rich life.

Her grandfather having a true name in the business of real estate and her grandmother being a surgeon in her former life. They provided her with all the riches. Her father, himself being a respected artist, provided her with all her needs.

She enjoyed a massive delight in literature; English, French, Korean, Hindi. Every language known to her was beautiful for her. At the age of twenty-four, she wrote her first narration, which was a big blockbuster of the year.

Her later novels did not prove to be a disappointment but a prodigious satisfaction to the readers. Murder mystery. Her usual genre.

And this was the first time she stepped out of her imagination zone and entered the glorious world of affection. Writing about a love story was something least expected from her. But this twist caused a massive chaos within the publications, the media and the audience.


"I hope you all cooperate with the security system and wait for your turn. We'll open the doors shortly"

Loads of fans were standing behind the doors of the café, the book signing event was being held in. A great amount of people were interested in books, in this decade as well. The decade of 2010 had been a miraculous beginning for her and 2020 was not going to be any less.

When the line started moving slowly the chaos amongst the fans grew. Amongst those hundreds of people, there was a guy. A great fan of her skills, had stalked her on SNS, had written thousands of Emails to her, and had the biggest possible crush on her.

Probably his third book signing event. Whenever she was in Seoul and if a book signing event was organised he made sure to be there. He pretty much adored her more than anything.

After a few more people, he smiled, he'd be the one to sit in front of her for a few moments.

"Hey!" She smiled.

He looked towards his side and then towards the other. She... she said that to me!

"You... recognized me...?" He sat, pointing at himself.

"I had to! You've been here from the start."

He smiled shyly at her words. Beautiful, yet once again he was mesmerized by her looks. Casual as always yet charming, no attempts made to alter her physical appearance yet attractive, eyes with sweetness in them yet sly, lips.... just like his, perhaps softer than his.

He passed on his book to her. She gladly took it and wrote her name in wonderful calligraphy on it. She took a little time so he peeked to find her scribbling something. When he got up and was about to leave he turned around once again, coincidence or not her eyes were finding him too.

He walked out of the café with the writing still unread. His smile automatically grew when he read her words for him, he couldn't help but snort at the latter part facepalming for a moment, a reddish tint clouding over his cheeks.

One of the sweetest humans I've met. Thanks for coming! And yeah... You look good in those tights...




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