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I am afraid
I am shattered
I'm so afraid
That you will leave me again in the end

The Truth Untold
~BTS, Steve Aoki
(Listen to it while reading Black)



Chapter 25

Paragraph 1, line 5

He was flabbergasted. His heart beat raced at an inhumane speed and he almost died because of that small contact. Her lips were still pressed against his cheek and he assumed his wish was granted, so the time had stopped. But when she shifted away, he almost groaned out loud, already craving that tender feeling of bursting bubbles in his stomach.

"I- I'm sorry. I just-" She stammered, looking at him with wide eyes. He swore under his breath, she looked to sweet at that moment and he had wanted to kiss her passionately, convey to her that she didn't have to be sorry but he resisted.

He had learnt by that time, that he was supposed to move slowly and keeo a balance in his steps, for he wasn't only walking on a thin rope but he was also incharge of holding her as he moved towards the ground. That he had to walk and not run.

Because this wasn't a marathon where he had to take long steps and run as fast as possible to win the race, but rather a walk along the shore under the brightly shining moon where he had to walk with his mind at rest and heart drowned in the feeling of sacrifice. Sacrifice of needs and desires, and enthrallment of taking those small steps together as the waves hit the rock, while the birds chirped merrily and an unknown happiness consumed them.

He cupped her face, his heart swelled up at the sight of her adorable behaviour, and he just shook his head, his mind unable to form proper sentences. "Fine, noona, it is fine. It is... definitely amazing."

He patted her head endearingly, grinning at her widely before he bent down to peck her cheeks softly. She gasped. He smiled at her freaked form and chuckled while walking away into the house, leaving her embarassed, but flustered at the same time, embarassed for what she had done and flustered as to how happily her heart had responded to him.

"Shit." She whispered, smiling to herself.


She looked to her sides, smoothened her dress and then looked to her sides again.
A gentle sigh came out of her mouth and she sat over the bench, beside the lake and beneath the trees who were decorated with brown leaves. He hadn't reached yet.

Her fiance had offered her to meet without any reason and she had to scuttle out of her so called heaven, her warm bed, immediately. She had been slacking off for the past few days and was in no favour of leaving her bed. She had lied to her mother that she felt sick and would want to stay alone as much as she could, the truth being otherwise.

She had locked herself in her room and munched on all her favourite snacks while blasting music through her headphones. Apart from that she did a 'search' on her fiance but found nothing. He truly was the unknown prince who jumped out of the blue to scare the media, the only theories they could make were that he was raised in abroad, away from his family, from the very start of his life.

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