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I wonder if we'll be together again?

I wish we would.



"Not yet." She sighed, staring at the outside world of this foreign country, crowded with people of a different ethnicity, different language, different tastes, yet the same as her. "On my way there."

"I'll be there before you, Inaya. Call me whenever you reach, right?" She heard her manager, hummed in response and hung up the call.

Days hadn't been gloomy, but they weren't at their best. She needed a fresh start; work, relations, life, everything felt like an amalgam of negativity and she was depressed under her emotions for too long.

A new book, even if she had been melancholic she believed books were her cure and that was true. As soon as she returned back to concluding the sequel she was working on, she felt a new desire materialize in her. A desire of being known and appreciated. A desire of letting off the ostracized emotion and stepping back in the eyes of the world. She didn't realise that all her wants and wishes were buried below her blues, that she hadn't lost the uncertain desolation and held onto it for too long.

But when her fingers tapped on the constricted uplifted letters rhythmically, she felt like she was flying. Flying in a green meadow, filled with flowers of all sorts and all hues, like a butterfly, like she wasn't bound to any customs or relations or anyone in particular. On her right she saw golden daffodils, on her left she found stretches of lilac lilies. Ironically, even if she was writing about murderous and dire deeds, she felt happy. She felt complete after a long time.

The unknown missing piece that she had lost without knowing was returned to her and she couldn't be more grateful. Eventually writing provided her with a new sense of letting her sadness off. She found herself writing, newly, freshly, poetically. She made rhymes and schemes on themes of uncertainty, compassion and hatred. How the three were complimentary and could never exist without the other. But compassion would always win.

Compassion for a person could lead one to hatred for others if the compassion had been dirtied with obsession and selfishness. Uncertainty was hidden but had a great impact on a person filled with compassion. Uncertainty of being loved back, uncertainty of being able to recognise the right one, uncertainty of being known to the fact if the trust was honest. Though, there were moments of vagueness, she had ended her sonnet by saying that compassion was stronger and healthier, that in due course of time compassion will subside the pessimistic emotions and overpower the person with a glow of creation and there will be merriment all around, that someone will be there to cherish, to adore, the compassion that had been utilised for too long.

And she was reminded of him, sadly. But what she didn't perceive was the fact that she still wanted him to try and win her back. She wished he did because she wasn't over their love, no matter what, she would never be.

When she completed those fourteen lines she felt full; full of creativity, imagination, feelings and life. But she didn't publish her work, she kept it for herself, deep inside the depths of her unpublished works that had never been touched. Instead, her sequel was published as a surprise for her fans and the media to know that Inaya was over her hiatus, that she was back with a new mystery for her fans to solve, a new story that would carry them over the waves of indefinite altitudes.

Everything happened as she expected, there was joy and congratulatory messages from her fellow writers that she had known and few from unknown writers too, but she didn't hesitate from thanking them politely. A rejoicing wave rushed amongst her fans and she felt like she was on cloud nine. Their happiness left her shook and she recollected the feeling of being loved by thousands of people, which grew manifold at the loss of one person. She didn't feel the emptiness that had been consuming her for long.

But that was lie. And she had known.


"Welcome!" The overexcited attendant bowed down immediately, grabbed Inaya's stuff out of her hold and rushed inside the house that reminded Inaya of her childhood memories that she had lived there.

"Why are we here?" She looked at Namjoon who was staring at the small yet cosy dwelling.

"Your father said you'd be more comfortable here than in any hotel, so well everything is cleaned and put up accordingly, ma'am!" He saluted and she chuckled, waving her arms for him to get back at ease. "Remember, I'll be downstairs and sleeping and tomorrow we're going for dinner at your friend's." He repeated again, walking inside the house before her and she nodded.

"Papa's right, though." She whispered to herself, walking inside the wooden building away from the shouts and screeches of the city crowd, located near the scenery of the city where she could easily glance at birds chirping and snow falling in the cold month of November.

A cup of coffee every morning, with a beautiful scene like this was her cure of tiredness and she was well prepared to spoil herself in the air of Chicago. Chicago, where her parents fell in love, where she grew up with her father and pictures of her beloved mother, where she saw her father fall in love again and relive his happiness with a wondrous woman who was no less than a mother to her. Where she had been enlightened by the knowledge of imagination, where she learnt that her life was fantasy and fiction, where she decided she'd become a writer.

She was back at home, alone but content. She had some time to ponder over herself and forget about her life in Korea. And when she would return back, after this busy week of self appreciation and scheduled events, she promised herself, she'd be remedied.


"I wouldn't like to have you here again!" His stern voice made Jungkook flinch but he didn't dare look up. He was filled with guilt, and the feeling increased everytime he saw the disappointment in those eyes of Inaya's father.

He remembered the day he was called 'son' by someone he was afraid of and that he felt like he had gained a new achievement in his life. But when he saw that disappointment, his so called badge of achievement was snatched away and he was no more the owner of that loving word.

"Calm down, honey." He heard Mia soothingly call out in attempts to calm the raged father, but he believed he was supposed to be scolded then. He needed someone to tell him that he was wrong and that he had been very wrong, even if he had already known all that. He was ready to face the reality all over again if he was getting his love back.

But his broken heart was stepped on the moment he learnt that Inaya had left Korea.

"It's my fault..." He mumbled, falling down in an unending depth.



A quick update, and back to exams. -_-
Next chapter, i have no idea what will happen...

Be the best of you!

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