239 20 51

7:05 pm

I reached and i know you are awake...
no need to reply, noona, just sleep well.

And dream of me ;)

He sighed once before locking his phone and pushing it inside his pocket. He had surfaced on the airport a few minutes ago, and was waiting for someone to pick him up. Ofcourse someone would be appointed to do so, he can't take a cab to his house, not when he had no relations with the Royals for the world.

Just as he thought so, he spotted a black car nearing him and stopping right in front of him. Out came a man dressed in black, immediately bowing down and lifting up Jungkook's luggage and walking away.

Then came the man Jungkook had despised the most. Lee, the one who had known everything besides Jimin because Jungkook trusted him. And the snitch betrayed him, the very moment Jungkook was about to talk to his parents about him and Inaya. His eyes fired up with rage, his knuckles became white as he fisted them in balls. He gritted his teeth so hard, but no one would notice that behind his mask and the anger motile in his eyes would be hidden by his cap.

"How was flight, Jungkookie?" The smile playing on the devilish lips made Jungkook scoff before he nodded in response.

"Won't talk to me? You know it well, Jungkook, it was for your good." The man paced close to Jungkook, patting on his back and gesturing him to move forward.
"Girls like her are just for playing, don't get too attached with her. What was her name? Uh... Inaya! Right!"

"Keep her name out of your mouth, you filth!" Jungkook growled, a roar of anger audible in his tone. He sat inside the car, that took more than eternity to move, which only motivated the third presence to criticize more.

"Jungkook, that's not how a prince should behave. What will your mother-"

Jungkook's phone rang, and without hesitating he picked it up. His eyes softened when he heard Inaya, his clumsy lover, speak from the other side that how she was thinking, by which she meant worrying, if he had reached safely and that his message had made her happy, and that meant relieved. She did not hang the call before mumbling the three words to him in her sleepy voice, and Jungkook was glad that she was fine. And that the car had finally started off.

Lee didn't continue, he kept on throwing few glances in the back seat towards Jungkook, just to make sure that he wasn't up to anything. While Jungkook, he just watched his city. The new-old outlook of the place he was born in.

The place didn't change but the vibe was different. It didn't feel like the same happy home to him, it felt like some lonely graveyard that was lit up just for show. But deep down he knew, it was so just because she was not with him, that she will not be with him, that she can not be with him.

Still... I'll fight.


The first person to greet him, when he reached the palace, was his another ray of life, his sister, Hae. The girl had come jumping and running to his brother and thrown her weight completely on him, once approached.

Jungkook, who carried her form happily, spun with joy as he petted her hair.

"I missed you." He murmured, looking at her once they parted and smiled brilliantly and the brightest he would in that place.

"Me too!" Hae was much more excited than he was, she was jumping all along as she pulled him with herself. "Do you even realise?" She turned to look at him, but he shook his head.

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