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I'm upset that from now on
I can't believe you

But I love you


This was it. This was what Olivia was stopping her from. Jungkook was in there and she had known that ever since she came to Busan. For the first time Inaya felt like she did something wrong, that she will regret her own decision.

But why was she so sad? There was no such emotion as anger once she saw Jungkook, because he was just as aghast as her. She didn't expect to see him, he didn't expect to see her. That was equal.

There was no blaming, no questions, no conversations. They both had played along the act of not knowing each other. Except for the time when they were sitting next to each other, around the table along with his other family members and Namjoon of course. To her astonishment Jimin, too, was present there, which only indicated that he had known everything from the very beginning.

When Jungkook had placed his hand on her thigh, with an apologetic look in his eyes, she had ignored him. What for? He just hid his reality, not a big deal. But she couldn't look him in the eye, she feared what more lies he had hidden. All the time she sat there, she stayed quiet except for the times when Namjoon couldn't answer in her place. Namjoon, oh Namjoon had handled the situation so perfectly, he knew she wasn't ready so he stood there for her.

And now she was sitting, back in the hotel room, with no one around her but Jimin.

"He didn't want to hide it, noona..." The best thing about Jimin, that she found charismatic, was the fact that his voice could the most seductive and flirty at times but the most angelic when she needed. "Don't be mad at him. He was about to come along, no, actually only he was going to come but his grandfather had some work for him."

"I'm not mad. Not at all. Just... It is," She looked away, suddenly her hands felt different, the surrounding felt new, the atmosphere changed and she couldn't understand the reason. Neither did she want to answer him nor herself, this was not what she expected. "I'm just.... disappointed, yes, that's all." She assured herself.


"This was the reason behind keeping our relationship a secret, right?" Why was she even questioning, she very well knew the answer was yes and Jimin nodded. "What more?" Jimin didn't understand her question, so he stared at her.

Shaking her head gently, she got up, walked towards the door and opened it for him, asking him to leave.

"You're sure you'll be fine alone?" Jimin asked for the last time, stepping out of the door. She nodded to him, faking a yawn to show him how sleepy she was.

Once Jimin left, she closed the door and sat near the threshold.

Fine until his love is not a lie...


The dawn had fallen into the grasp of bright sunshine and the flowers had bloomed beautifully along the path of the hotel. She smiled happily at them, for she felt fresh and anew. The doubts were still there but embedded by thrill.

It was his birthday and she got to celebrate it with him, that was the only positive thing in this journey and she didn't want to mess it up. So she, as planned, had gone for a quick walk early in the morning along with her sister, who was accompanied by her Boss, Jung Hoseok.

After the quick walk, she ended up in a coffee shop, her sister still by her side and the third presence had left due to some work.

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