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Love I got you
Out there, only a few
But here...
I'm with you!


After the book signing event had ended Inaya sat in her car and drove back to her home. She had a busy schedule for the week but her manager made sure that she gets some rest first.

Driving through the serene city of Seoul, lit up in hues of blues and golden, she found herself gaping at a couple. They were wrapped around each other, just like the warm gut wrenching squeeze wrapped around her.

When she reached home the first thing she noticed was the illuminated lights. Smiling to herself she walked towards the main gate, pulling it and entering her small world.

The door made a creaking sound when she pulled it and she already knew that her surprise was ruined. But no one came to welcome her. She walked further into their home. Kitchen, must be in the kitchen, she thought. But no, no one was there.

"Now, where are you?" She said loudly, that perhaps it would be audible and she'll get a reply but it was all quiet.

"Fine then, don't reply!"

She hurriedly walked to their bedroom. Books were scattered over their bed, and few a pages were scribbled. Nothing else but doodling, yeah!

And there it was on the floor, the same pair of tights. But where was the owner of them? And as if the person had instantly received her thoughts, she felt his hands snake around her waist and a soft, wet peck land on her nape.

"Noona..." His low, raspy voice made her shudder but she wasn't going to be all cheesy with him at the moment, she had questions.

"Why the hell were you there in the event?!"

"Um... You didn't want me to be there?"

"That doesn't answer my question!"

"So I missed you and it was difficult knowing that you were in the city but the first thing you were going to do was attend a book signing event and not ME." Resting his head over her shoulders he swayed their bodies from side to side.

"Okay... Good one. But, even though I wanted to meet you first, seeing you there I actually wanted to run up to you and maybe jump on you!"

"You could've done that!" His grin was right there and playfulness was quite noticeable in his voice.

"I would've but only if you hadn't made a condition of 'not exposing our relationship at the moment'."

"That was rude." He circled her to face him and picked her up, her limbs circling around his waist and neck reflexively.

"You were rude!"

"I doubt you're older than m- ouch!" She slapped his shoulder playfully and he smiled back at her, rolling his eyes.

"I missed you!" He whispered softly, pecking her lips.

"Me too. Now put me down!" He shook his head at her appeal and she glared at him, making him laugh.

"Put me down!"

"No." He laughed out loud.


"Noona, no!"

"Honey, yes!"


"I'm older than you, obey my words!"

"Obey my ass." How much of a tease he could be at times. And how much she loved it when he was like that, disobedient. But when he spanked her, she was ready to have all those holy wars with him.

"Dare you touch my butt again!" And she received another spank on her butt.

"If I do?"

"A lot."


"Hmm..." She jumped off his loosened grip and started wandering around him.
"Like get myself undressed."

"Then?" He was triggered, his question made it obvious.

"Then go and have a bath with..."


"After that, I dry myself and change into something comfortable."

"Fine...?" Such a sweet, perplexed expression suited his handsome face, she grinned.

"Then get on the bed." Only if she wasn't playing with that one strand of her hair, her words weren't difficult to handle for him.

His tilted expression made her smile and she started taking off her clothes.

"But before that I'd push you out of the room and get this whole bed for myself tonight!"

"Noooonaaaa...." She laughed while the poor guy whined. Although his intentions were much more but only if he could get her to agree to let him stay in the room first.


Mornings, new but lazy and sore enough if a man almost double your weight had been sleeping on top of you the whole night.

Though she nudged him slightly, he didn't budge. She tried pushing him off, but she failed to do so. She tried tickling him, won't work on this idiot. She simply whispered his name out, and got a hum in return.

"You're already up?" She asked frantically. Look at this guy in here trying to be smug.

"Good morning noona." He placed a soft kiss over her shoulders, pulling himself off of her.

He laid on the other side of the bed, smiling to himself for a while. He wouldn't lie if he'd say that his life, at the moment, was perfect.

"When are your examinations starting?"

Okay, not that perfect.

"Uhm... In a week."


"Nope!" He smiled cheekily at her, staring at her bare face. Beautiful, yet once again he was mesmerized by her looks. Casual as always yet charming. A new, fresh glow in her eyes. Gradually she pulled herself up and sat down, stretching out.

Her lips... Just like mine, maybe softer than mine.

She got up and walked inside the restroom, the door unlocked. He chuckled, remembering how she ran out of the bathroom, the last time, when she saw a cockroach in there.

They were meeting after three months. Inaya and Jungkook. Inaya had been busy with her writing and Jungkook had been busy with his family. Inaya returned to South Korea from Japan the other day and her first step was to attend the event. But that wasn't something which Jungkook, a great fan of her skills, who had the biggest possible crush on her, wished for.

And when he realised, again, that he was together with the one he wanted to be, his lips curved up but his eyes became dull.

"NOONA?" He shouted, still in the bed.

"Yes?" She peeped through the door, her head popping out while her body was still inside.

"I love you!"

"I love you, too, Jungkook." Her small smile made him forget all his worries. Only if this could go on forever.



Trust me, I love writing this one.

MOTS : 7 is such a heartwarming album, heart wrenching album, heart breaking and then attaching album.

Be the best of you!

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