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Chapter 15

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The blue light shined brighter than usual. It felt like all the streetlights were converging and falling together at Jeon, complimenting the blue light passed by the moon. His features highlighted under the beautiful night sky, whose blue and pink were mixing to form a darker shade.

Though they were still not over their fight or the crying moment she had shared with him, they were on better terms now. And just so, he had asked Seol to join him for a movie night. She hesitated, but she agreed.

They were supposed to meet at the bridge, and she hadn't reached yet. Six thirty, they had decided and it was fifteen minutes past it. As for what he knew, she was punctual, not that he was suspicious that she won't arrive but he was.

Staring at the deep river below the bridge, he kept on shifting his weight from one hip to the other.
Thinking of all the good things he could, just trying to provide himself with some optimism.

His mind was clouded with her. When she danced in rain, when she 'indirectly' complimented his body. When she pointed him out during that one lecture. When she just looked at him, turning several knots in his stomach, giving him that giddy feeling.

He liked it, how she was so simple yet so charming for him. Her voice, calm and soothing, he wanted to hear his name again and again from her mouth, same word but the emotions he felt were not natural.

Everytime he complimented her she would say "Oh" then look away and after that she'd thank him. A red tint always making it's way to her cheeks.

He found that cute.

She cried while watching emotional movies and laughed like crazy when watching some classic comedy. She was a great fan of Shakespeare, she'd usually quote him while taking about love. She watched horror movies with a poker face but he knew internally she died.

She wouldn't sleep in dark, she needed a small ray of light in the room or else she'll keep on wondering if its just a coat hanging on a chair or is it some kind of shadow of a ghost.

And how they had fought over ghosts-in-the-21st-century, the moment was hysterical yet they both were stubborn.

His eyes wandered off to the water, it reminded him of her eyes, pure and delicate.

Seol, he mused, meant snow. She was beautiful, just like a crystal and dependable just like humans depend on water for living.

He admired her.

He noticed a middle aged man passing flyers to the people passing by. The old man's hand reached out to hand one to him, too. He mumbled a small 'thank-you' before grabbing the paper and readin g it, since he had nothing else to do.

Who makes you smile?


His mind was flooded with memories of Seol clumsily falling.

Who do you think can make you feel home?


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