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A little more.


Warmth filled her bosom as guileless fingers entwined with her tresses and softly massaged her scalp, words of ardour and admiration being whispered pleasantly. A string that might never end or a love song that might have just started.

His eyes never left hers, a soft kiss placed on her lips after every yearning remark. His eyes held a universe that she'd never want to leave, that she'd want to sink in and fall in the unending depth of the love they stored. Sincerity in them was not left unnoticed and she could feel how long he waited for this moment. For her to be in his arms, just like this, where their bare bodies pressed against each other, their warmth engulfing the other with comfort and happiness. Where there were no attempts to hide any flaw or imperfections, where they were left vulnerable to be held in the strength of the other.

Where they were naked for each other.

"Good morning." The unending cheering silence was interrupted by his soft whisper, that lent another peck to her lips and she smiled wholeheartedly, nodding her response.

Memories of lazy and lustful mornings crossed her mind. When he would say that he wanted to make love to his girlfriend, when he would throw away his phone if somebody, Jimin, caused interruption in his advancements, when he would teasingly lick her down her chest and tickle her before he could start his torment, when his nose would deliberately brush against her clitoris so that he could torture her pleasantly.

Love and admiration held in his solemn eyes, she saw his Cupid's bow tremble before their lips met. A similar whine echoed in her memory before the explosions painted the sky with the vibrant hues of gold and red and sparkles shined brighter than they ever would, likely the explosions painted her heart with distinct hues of love and safety and faith bloomed in her chest more fully than it ever had.

"Noona, can I make love to you?"

"Please," Inaya whispered, gazing deep into his eyes.

Their lips met again, her heavenly giggle vibrating in his ears as she tried to manage with the eager bunny that had hastily hovered on top her, his skittish fingers poking her sides earning several more laughs from her. She giggled, prying away from his demonic fingers that had found a better lure.

Jungkook's giggles surrounded her, bringing even more joy to her as she saw his eyes turn into crescents from her own. Tears of mirth surfaced at her waterline as another plea left her mouth and she held onto his wrists tightly.

"Stop!" She squealed, holding his hands together, before breaking into another session of giggles while he pecked her down her neck, playfully biting her skin occasionally.

His amusement levitated when he heard her moan softly, her comparatively small palms letting go of his hands. Her soft touches travelled his body, tormenting him, anticipating his breaths, allowing his heart to beat at a rate he had never experienced before.

"Come here," He whispered and helped her straddle his waist, her core brushing against his hardened member. A low groan left his mouth, her eyes shimmered with want, her moves guided by her desires.

He felt her rub against him again and then again, her pace gradually hastening. Her eyes shut momentarily, a prolonged sigh leaving her lips. Her breath hitched when she felt his fingers massage her clitoris, teasing it, flicking it. A shiver ran down her spine, the circular motion of his fingers encouraging her to roll her hips, riding him ruthlessly, earning a string of expletives from him.

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