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And in the end
I will seek you
Out amongst
The stars.

The space dust
Of me will whisper
"I love you."
Into the infinity of the universe.



She sat, dolled up in a pretty dress, waiting for her acquaintance to arrive and fetch her for the so called 'fancy dinner' he had asked her for. Probably a little too early for that...

One hour more...

The thought of the beautiful man reminded her of the day she left for Seoul after being enlightened by her boy- no, Jungkook. She was confused, were they together at the moment, definitely not. Although, his thoughtfulness and a little sense of responsibility had made her feel biased towards him again but it wasn't just there, yet. She felt their relationship to be on the edge of a knife, where a little mistake could give them a freefall that would lead to their demise.

It was so delicate, so fragile, that she wondered if it was safe to handle it in the beautiful pinkish petals of a ranunculus, afraid even that might lose it.

Truth had been told to her. And it might have happened that the small spark of trust had been fueled. And surely ammendments had been made but somewhere she felt like it was just the beginning, that they'd need to walk again before they run.

'I'm not a royal'

The line crossed her thoughts and she stopped. She had said 'what' out loud but when she looked at the bittersweet smile on his face, she had hugged him once again. Trying to embrace him like mother panda would embrace their child, like the Sun's warm rays embraced the biology of the earth, or better, the entire solar system.

Like a tiny droplet of water he had fallen into her blossom, being taken care of, and couldn't help but melt again. Cry again and let her know how broken he felt, how betrayed he felt. He hid that for the sake of his parent's, seeing them hurt would make him feel desolated and he wasn't ready for it. But her touch had reminded him of the home he'd always have and so he stayed in it, to feel it and let himself be felt.

A silence had fallen on them at that time, except for the occasional sobs of a baby in the body of a lad, a kid so afraid and done of his life, but she didn't dare ruin it. She knew he needed time, that was what Jungkook was, a shy, little human with so many problems and a feeling of not letting others be bothered because of him. Even if it was her, she had sensed it the day she first noticed the look of fear in his eyes when she had apologized for a stupid conversation. He kept them before himself, and for their happiness, he'd hide his pain.

And it took time for him to open, to pour out his grief in her mug and share it. But she appreciated how he had gradually reached the point where she was his cure and a place where he felt home.

A tear slipped from her eyes for an unknown reason and she didn't bother wiping it away.

The doorbell rang and she hurried towards the door.

"You're early!" She stared at him wide eyed.

Her eyes travelled from his silly smile to his casual-formal attire, that did nothing to hide his built but only to add much more to the imagination. Her breath hitched as her eyes waved down from his muscular chest to the nonexistent waist. He looked every bit of the Prince he had been titled, except for the charisma of her lover. And red ears. She almost smiled.

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