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I met a superhero
I lost her
I want her back
She did things to me that no one else could
And I miss that




Chapter 22

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"What am I? Jeon?" She slurred out, smiling with her eyes closed. Her face was flushed, her hair left untied, her hands thrown in air.

And there he sat, opposite to her, choking on his drink once he heard her question. "What?!" He almost screeched, his ears shading a brilliant red.

"What do you mean 'what'? You say you love me then tell me, what am I... To you," She pushed her finger right in his chest, "To you, Jeon?"

He stared at her, blinked a few times, then stared again. Her smile didn't fade and it soothed him. She's drunk, he comforted himself, for he was worried that he would be embarassed once he'd let her know about his thoughts, that somewhere she'd laugh and perhaps he'd feel small. But he had also known that she'd just stare at him lovingly, without uttering anything and if her senses were working a single bit she'd hug him.

"A lot." He smiled at her but her nose scrunched.

"That's it? No stars or moons or princesses or unicorns? Just uhhhh... ' a lot'?"

He smiled, genuinely, and took her hand in his and awed at her sulking form. But that wasn't where she stopped, she, took his gesture as an initiative, crawled in his lap and snuggled in him, vacuuming out every ounce of air from his lungs just by that mere movement.

"What more, Jeon?" He realised her voice fell an octave and reminded himself, again, that she was drunk.

"You mean the world to me." He breathed out. Embarrassed, that he had to voice it out but he couldn't do that properly.

"That's what all say!" She patted his chest. "What is so different about your love?" She didn't say it, but she was a little sober, and probably wanted to know. She wanted to know everything, whether he meant it or not, whether what he made her feel was worth it or not.

Love did not have to be proved, that was true, she totally agreed with that. But then there was her poor heart, which didn't want to feel that blow again and so, her careful and protective mind had conquered her fragile heart in testing the guy there. After all she asked nothing more than 'what was she?'.

"I love you." He said, and a tint of pink clouded her cheeks. "A lot." She shook her head when he didn't say anything more than that. It would have been better if she slept rather, she thought.

"Not to the stars and moons," She stopped, her heart skipped a beat. "Because that distance can be measured... But this love of mine, Seol, you cannot measure it. It got no boundaries, no obstacles... just purity and faith. I love you."

Don't, she wanted to say, but couldn't.

"Not like any prince or princess because this is not a fairytale, this is reality and I want to be real with you, I want to be true to you. So true that you can see through me, you can understand me and you can forgive me if I ever make mistakes."

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