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Maybe, just maybe, we will start again...



Chapter 32

Paragraph 5, line 3

She said too old for a pillow castle, but Jeon had resolutely disagreed.

Never too old. He had said and grabbed all the pillows he could find in his home, even if that meant he'd enter the not-so-big-but-untouched basement.
For this, he had also asked Seol to bring all the pillows she had and like a 'good noona', she did that- expecting they'd have a pillow fight, another childish act.

"Pillow fight?!" Jeon scrunched his nose, pulling a white sheet over the mount he had created. "What's the use of that?" He asked, grabbing tons of his favourite candies and other snacks and tossed them in his huge castle.

"I don't know, it just- it's always fun." She said, playing with her pen.

"And a pillow castle is childish..." He huffed out, "Really?"

"You can't deny that it's fun!" She took her ground, stood up and rested her hands over her hips.

"I didn't deny that." He did the air quotes thing, "But saying that a pillow castle is childish, you hurted my feelings, noona." He crossed his arms over his chest, huffed out some air and pouted out his soft pink lips.

What the heck?!
Seol shook her head once before glaring at him as equally as he was glaring at her.

A minute passed by and they both stood there, still glaring at each other but sneakily taking glances at each other.
Her eyes and her cheeks, his lips and his red nose.

Was he blushing?
Seol had known that Jeon sensed her gaze on his lips, she had also known that he could see her blushing too and before she had realised, she surrendered.

"Fine, pillow castles aren't childish. What are we going to do?" She spoke as she sauntered inside the castle he had built and he smiled before jumping in right after her.

"We will talk!"
Hugging was one thing, she presumed, and squeezing out the oxygen from her lungs was one total different thing. But she didn't mind, the boy's enthrallment didn't let her mind it, because he was just so happy and that somehow made her smile.

"Talk about what?" It came out as a whisper, coated with her silly smile and obvious giddiness but he didn't seem to notice that and hugged her even tighter.

"About you..." He said and a small dramatic gasp left her mouth.

"Oh my God! Really!" She exclaimed, chuckling and he laughed with her.

"You and I, if you wouldn't mind, Your Majesty." He started the play.

"Oh, I would never, Sirrah. If you'd let go of my waist." She played along.

"I would deny your command."

"Then I may send you to-"

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