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she never heard of me,
but still i try



Chapter 30

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They were out, after a long while, and Seol had wished to go to the park. Because spring had always left her speechless with it's beauty and warmth after a bizarre winter, and it reminded her; that there would be warmth after cold, that there would be a lovely sunrise after a dark dusk, that there would be a shore she'd reach on after swimming in the unending ocean, that she'd always reach a happy conclusion no matter what.

"Good morning, noona!" Jeon shouted from a distance but she had been too caught up in her thoughts to hear him. The park was empty except for a few birds and a small kitten who had gained Seol's attention as it purred happily over the warmth radiating from Seol's hands. But Seol seemed quiet, she looked pensive and Jeon couldn't help but stare at her longingly before he decided it was past time to bring her out of her thoughts.

"Good morning!" Jeon hopped infront of her, pecked her cheek smugly before walking away in the empty park all the while she stood there frozen.

It was normal, she felt, even if it gave her thousands of butterflies in her stomach. It was normal, because she enjoyed it and he did too. But the moment brought her pure bliss every time and she couldn't help but feel her heart take leaps and jumps while her blood rushed up to her cheeks.

"Hey! Jeon!" He turned around to find her standing behind him.

"What, noona?" He smiled sweetly, staring at her pink beanie and her likely pink cheeks.

"This." She tiptoed to reach his nose and peck it, squishing his soft cheeks together as he muffled back his chuckle.

Winter hadn't really bid it's goodbye yet and the melting snow had never worked its magic before but as soon as Seol lost her balance Jeon had wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to himself.

For a second she was caught off-guard. The proximity had made her feel shy, but never uncomfortable, and she didn't know where to keep her hands. His shoulders or somewhere- anywhere else but eventually they ended up being distended by virtual strings in the air. Even after that, he hadn't let go of her. He held her tightly, as if afraid she might drift apart.

His hands tightened slightly and she felt his nose skim over her bare skin as he found a spot on her shoulders to rest his head. Gradually, her hands moved to rest over his shoulder and she felt his muscles tightening beneath the fabric he wore. She puffed out some air, as she relaxed under his touch, the small soothing circles that he made on her back.

I love you.
That word was left unshared between them but the air felt otherwise. It was filled with warmth and affection that they felt for each other. It was filled with those three untold words and there wasn't any denying to the reality that their actions spoke louder than their words.

Her hands tightened around his neck gently as they hugged like they never had before. As they completed each other like they never had before. As they felt each other like they never had before.

And a new uprising started withing Seol's heart. An uprising of her emotions where they screamed for her to let go of the manacles of fear that held her back and run to her lover to tell him that what he felt was just right.

That it was just as much reciprocated as much he sent her way.

That she loved him just as much as he did and not like any princes or princesses because it wasn't a fairytale. Not to the moon and stars because that distance could be measured but with all of her and everything she had.


No. The world was crumbling again and Jungkook had nowhere to go. Everybody seemed to turn their backs on him when he had known that he wasn't left alone. That everyone was still their to help him and grow out of his problems.

But why did it all feel empty?

Why did he feel like a loser? Like a loner. Like a coward who pretended to be tough but his pretence had faded away and he was left as vulnerable as he was infront of everyone. Like a person who was ripped naked infront of everyone with all the scars and flaws he had. With all his insecurities and mistakes on display when nobody actually knew how or what he felt.

He wanted to go and hide himself in that warm embrace and cover himself to hide away his despair and wounds but he did not know where the path was or where his destiny was.

He did not know where she was.

A part of him pushed him to marry and forget about his love, to carry on and bury all these nonsensical emotions of love. But the other part of him knew better, that those 'nonsensical' feelings were true and honest and pure, that he could never bury them when everything reminded him of her.

He knew, if he ever laid down in the arms of someone else he'd never feel that security. If he ever kissed someone else, he'd never feel that delicacy again. If he'd ever try to make love to someone else, he'd not be able to bring himself to do that.

He knew, even if he was sitting far, far away from her, his heart still belonged to her and nothing could ever change that.

So he got up, splashed water on his face twice or thrice and walked out of his room to go and greet his grandfather after a long time. A diamond of accuracy and confidence shone in his eyes and he gathered his courage to speak what he had decided.

That he was better alone than marry someone to whom he could never be true.

That he wouldn't marry Eun Ae as a substitute in his life, because even though he respected her as equally as any friend he had, he would never be hers and would never be able to expect her for himself.



Be ready for a bomb :)
That'll fall on you guys like... Idk, it'll just fall on you guys and perhaps shock you all.

Anyway! Good night!

Be the best of you!

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