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As soon as he entered back in Seoul he drove back to their home. His instant action - out of habit, he might say - was to jump out of the car and run inside the house but he had restrained. He stopped the second his feet touched the marble pathway leading to the main entrance.

7 she had said.

Jungkook pulled out his phone immediately, scrolling up and down through his chats to find the one because of which he was there.

Meet me
1:04 am

1:05 am

Sharp at 7
1:07 am

Our place
1:07 am

My* place
1:10 am

Her last text had undeniably attacked his heart with a powerful thunder-like whack. It still hurted him to see that, he wasn't prepared and he was sure of that. But nonetheless, he wasn't going to run anymore. He had to face his problems and he needed to learn that.

His eyes travelled to the watch resting over his wrist and it read, 6:45. He still had fifteen minutes left, and he could try to muster up some courage by then. But then when he looked at the watch again and to his surprise, five minutes had already passed by. His heartbeat accelerated as he noticed the time fly away like sand. His heart thumped dangerously fast and he assumed that it might jump right out of his chest if it could.


He was sweating. He tried calming himself by pulling in deep breaths and releasing them slowly. He wiped off his sweat and once again looked at his phone. The text lied right there, and the time had arrived and consequently, he was supposed to go inside now. So he walked out of his car, took a few steps forward but then stopped.

He took two steps ahead, halted and then took four steps back. He did that again and again and again. An unrecognisable terror stopping him from moving any further. But he had to go and talk and get his love back. But he was afraid, too. What if she'd hate him? What if she'd stop looking at him the way she did? What if it was really over?

And the door opened, revealing the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. The most comfortable person he had stayed with. And his breath was taken away once he noticed that she was wearing a red and black dress, which hugged her body so snugly, he felt charmed.

He took a long deep breath before meeting her eyes and, once again, every ounce of air was sucked out if him, but instead of charm it was because of guilt.

She had been crying.

Even if she, herself, had told him that she didn't cry, he'd pick out the lie easily. Because it didn't matter that how beautifully and adequately her words can trap a person but her eyes always gave in the truth. Because they have always been pure and he had witnessed that purity for a very long time. And they were tired, her eyes, so tired.

She didn't sleep well.

And once he felt like he couldn't look in those eyes anymore, he noticed that her colour had gone pale. And it ached him.

"Jungkook." She said and he felt like running up to a cliff and jump off.

"Hi, noona." He waved his hand, uncertain if he should or not, but pulled it down quickly.

She nodded and walked back inside the house and he followed her. Everything was same, right in its place, and quite dusty, as if she wasn't in the house or she hadn't cleaned at all. And that could've been possible, several weeks have already passed since that horrendous night and Jungkook had known very well that it would've been the most difficult for Inaya.

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